Blood rose

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A Homophobic, homophobia A Quirk less AU

"THEN I WANT EVERY AVAILABLE GUARD SEARCHING FOR HIM" Queen Mitsuki yelled at the crowd of guard standing in front of her.

~Earlier that evening

Bakugou was currently standing on his balcony watching the people of Emberland in the distance. As the prince he was never allowed to go to the town, his mother forbid it. He never really knew why. The blonde watched in an almost enchanted way as the townsfolk carried baskets full of freshly baked bread, and fresh vegetables, fruits, and flowers. He notes all of there happy expressions, and the way they moved so swiftly, so calmly, so... happy. He had never been like that, he hated how he was treated as the prince, he didn't like the fancy titles or the big parties. He didn't enjoy communing with the people of other kingdoms, the blonde was desperate to meet the people of his own kingdom, Emberland. Emberland was known for its ravishing sunrises and sunsets, but yet the prince had never even seen one, he was always so busy with the parties, feasts, and training.

Bakugou's thoughts were interrupted when his mother, the Queen, came through his bedroom door. "What the hell are you doing just sitting there we have guests to greet" She said in a loud tone.

"Woo-hoo, another huge party for me to meet random broads from halfway across the world" Bakugou retorted sarcastically.

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND GET CHANGED!!" Mitsuki yelled The slightly taller blonde rolled his eyes before saying, "Tch...fine"

With that the queen left and bakugou changed into something more appropriate for a party. Even though he wasn't really fond of fancy clothes he decided on just a basic black vest with red and gold embellishments over a white dress shirt, with black pants tucked into black and red knee high boots and a black cape with dark red on the inside. With his crown, it was made of black metal and had medium sized spikes with red tips.

After taking one last look at him self, he sighed and walked the door. He finally came to the ball room, as he approached the doors they opened and revealed a very large mass of people who all turned to face him as he walked down the stairs to his right.

The spiky blonde prince received some applause and bows as they made a path for him.

"Finally, what the fuck to you so long?" The queen said to him as he approached her.

"Shut up, at least I'm here" "Yea-yea, I have some people for you to meet"

"Wh-" the blonde prince tried before he was interrupted

"Save you're remarks, it's different this time" The queen responded

"What I don't get to meet any other 90 year old kings and queens?" Bakugou asked in a cocky tone

"Oh, shut up brat, but yes, there you're age actually. I think you'll like them" Mitsuki replied

"What if I don't like them?"

"You have to like her-" The queen said before the blonde went off.


"DONT YELL AT ME, but she's the princess of Reachwater and-wait did you say you don't like girls"

To be honest bakugou didn't really know, none of the princesses, maids, or any girl had ever interested him.
In fact the blonde hated it when girls flirted with him, he got so annoyed.And he always felt more prone to stare at the other males at the palace. He never really thought much about it but now that he did he realized he really wasn't interested girls.

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