Story of the Fire Dragon

Start from the beginning

"I don't know much about Lucy, it really that bad?" Cobra asked.

"Yes" Sora starts "I used to a very curious man back in the days. I met Lucy some years back. She was a quiet girl and I was curious about her so I asked of her past" Sora paused, trembling a little. "She refused, but I kept bugging her. She finally snapped and so did the bones of my arms"

Everyone gasped. "Lu-chan did that?" Levy asked.

"She was just a kid, but she showed no mercy that day. Now I'm going to warn you. Her cloak and necklace, don't take them, don't steal them, don't even borrow them. She's so attached to those items. Her dragon parent gave them to her"

"Since she won't tell us her past, you do it then" I said. I really want to know everything about that woman.

Loki stared at me for while before adjusting his glasses. "I'll tell you then" he begins. "There's a dragon so powerful, respected and feared by others dragons. He's a very close friend to the dragon king, Acnologia. They're like brothers. The fire dragon god Igneel. Lucy was raised by him"

"What!" Makarov and few people yelled in shock. Everyone was tensed.

My eyes widen in shock. "Lucy was raised by uncle Igneel! No wonder her magic felt so familiar" the times when I was with dad, uncle Igneel used to visit us often. This is really surprising.

"UNCLE IGNEEL!" Half of the guild exclaimed.

"D-Do you know him chaos?!" Gajeel asked.

"The fire dragon god Igneel and the dragon king Acnologia" Makarov explained. "The two dragons said to destroy five countries on their own in two days" I nodded in agreement.

"And that's the dragon that raised Lucy-san?" Wendy asked as she was shaking.

"Don't worry. Igneel and Acnologia may be friends, but Igneel's not like him. He's one of the few dragons who harbor no Ill feelings towards humans" Loki smiled at her.

"What's about this whole dragon god thing?" Gray asked. "I don't get it"

"Legends says dragon gods are offsprings of dragons and gods. They have immeasurable strengths and their powers even rivals the dragon king himself. Dragon slayers raised by dragon gods are more powerful than normal dragon slayers. A dragon tattoo that appears on their body is sign of proof of being raised by a dragon god" Loki explained.

"Wow that's amazing" Wendy said.

"More like insane" Gray said. "So does this mean they are demon dragons and demon gods as well?"

"Yes. Those are very rare, just like dragon gods" he answered. "Anyways before Lucy met Igneel, she had a family. Her father and mother, Jude and Layla Heartfilia. Her mother was a wizard, she taught her celestial magic. Everyday was a good day for Lucy. Unfortunately when she turned five, her mother died and it was really hard on her and her father. He starts to ignore her and always stays in his office" he paused and took a deep breath.

"And what happened?" I asked.

Loki continues. "After a while he started to abuse her. He would punch and kick her. He would whip her and cut her with knives. Sometimes he would lock her in her room and tell the maids not to feed her. One day she had enough and summoned us to help her escape. After three days in the forest, she came across a cave where she met her dragon"

Loki went silent looking at our expressions. The guild was deadly silent. Everyone was sad. Wendy, Happy and Levy were crying. Erza and Gray lowered their heads down. Makarov shook his head. I was surprised honestly. "Why would a father do that to his own daughter?! Not even dad did that to me. And my mother is dead. Damn it, and people say he's an evil dragon!"

"I didn't...know she..." Cobra trailed off.

"Went through a lot" Sora finishes. "Yeah I was shocked when Loki told me the story"

"A week after Lucy was found by Igneel, he left her to check on something. She was playing in the forest when her father and his men found her. She tries to escape, but he accidentally shot her at the stomach. Lucky, Igneel came back in time. He scared them off, carried her body and flew off far from there"

"Her own father shot her?" Erza exclaimed in anger. Now I'm really angry. If I ever see this Jude Heartfilia guy, I'm going to kill him.

"She was dying at that time, so he and the spirits including me implanted a dragon lacrima to save her" he said. "She doesn't remember being shot by her father and don't even know she has dragon lacrima"

"So she's a third generation dragon slayer!" Gajeel exclaimed.

"That's correct" Loki said. "I'm at my limit. Need to go back to the spirit world. You guys better take care of her" he shines brightly as he disappears.

"I have no words for this honestly" the old man commented.

"I don't care if she's a Heartfilia or Dragneel or salamander, I will protect her. She is mine. She belongs to me, no one else. FOR I AM NATSU DRAGONIA! I AM THE CHAOS DRAGON! THE SON OF ACNOLOGIA! AND I WILL DESTROY ALL WHO TRIES TO HURT LUCY!" I thought angrily. "That is a promise!"

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