29. Sin • گناہ

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Look how long this love can hold it's breath. — Sierra DeMulder

Anbar parted her lips from Asghar's. Her hands brushing off the lipstick stain on his reddened lips. A crimson red spread out onto her cheeks, the tips of her ears turning warm as if on fire. Her heartbeat calmed down as she nuzzled into his body, too shy to face him otherwise. Asghar chuckled lowly, a bright grin graced his face—he knew he was now an addict ; she was the temple and he was the priest. The kiss had been short but one of the most loveliest moments of his life. The softness inside her eyes and that charm inside those forest green orbs. It would live in his head, beyond forever.

He wrapped his hand around her waist a bit tighter. The large palm warmed up her flesh from over the thin material of her sundress. Nuzzling her head, letting a cheek press against the hard ridge of his chest. She parted her heart shaped lips and let out a content sigh. Her hair messily spread on his shirt. He swayed their bodies gently a comfortable silence settling on them. The afternoon sun peaked through the meshed together branches a web of shadows casted over their content faces. Shifting, Anbar stretched on her legs, struggling to wrap her hands around his neck.

"You are so tall," she huffed.

Asghar grinned his hands going on either side of her hips and lifting her gently off of the ground. Resting her shoes on top of his own, adding a few inches to her height.

"There you go," he gave a lingering kiss to her forehead.

She shook her head at his antics not believing her eyes that this was the same Asghar who stopped her from doing little things. The one who was always mad at her, screaming in her way. He was turning a new leaf—the autumn in his life had passed and spring was showing its colours. She wrapped an arm around his neck, the other grasping his palm as she swayed their bodies in the motion of a ballroom dance. Which unfortunately, seemed to have been a bad decision seeing as Asghar had two left feet and the two tumbled onto the grassy ground. Asghar's body cushioning their fall.

He groaned in pain. It felt like a car had hit him. His back throbbed his hands still wound around Anbar keeping her in place. The adrenaline that pumped through him managed to cover up some of it yet for the most part he was still aching, all over. He imagined his whole body being reset. The upper back taking the brunt of the force. Anbar, finally having reeled off the shock sat up straight. Her legs either side of him as she stared in worry.

"Asg—Asghar you okay?" She gulped.

"Fine," he said, kissing his teeth.

"Oh um—you don't look okay. Come on let's go home!" Anbar shook her head.

"You need to get off of me for that مینه". [Love.] His eyes twinkled with mirth.

Blushing furiously she got up, forwarding her hand to help him off of the ground. He let out a little groan with the movement. His back was throbbing, shoulders tuck in place as he limped with Anbar by his side. Resting his back next to the doors of the large car he waited in silence for her to clean their picnic. His earlier cheery mood had been turned off at the idea of not being able to enjoy the whole day with her in his arms. Just when it was all falling in place, the fall had crushed his dreams.

"Don't be upset over something you have no control over. Even at home I'm all yours, promise!" She squeezed his hand tightly.

Asghar nodded his head, smiling at her attempt of making him feel better. She helped him into the passenger seat of the car despite the blazing glare he shot her way.

"No Asghar. We are equals. And that means I look after you when needed. So sit back and enjoy the drive of your life!" She cheered, dropping a kiss on his forehead.

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