Chapter 205 (Part 1 & 2)

Start from the beginning

Even if Ye Ci was unaware of the meaning behind Liu Chang's words, she could guess that it had something to do with the two houses. But how were those houses related? "I don't get what you're trying to say."

"The developers have notified us about it more than a year ago. I've even told you about it."

"Yup, you sure did." Ye Ci let out an awkward smile. The event that happened 1 year ago to Liu Chang was like a distant past for Ye Ci. No matter how well her memory was, it was impossible for Ye Ci to remember such a thing.

"The day Fate first launched their waiter was the day the developers had a talk with my family about my grandma's house. They told us that we could get a good storefront and a commercial housing. My parents were overjoyed!"

"Yeah. If this happened to me, I'll happy as well. To get a storefront in that area..." Ye Ci clicked her tongue. The place was now a development zone that many would soon invest in. To own a storefront in that area would guarantee a lot of income.

"What storefront?" Liu Chang's face distorted into a mask of rage as she cut Ye Ci off mid-sentence. She looked as if she could eat a person alive.

"I thought you told me that your grandma's house is worth a storefront and a commercial housing?" Ye Ci was baffled by Liu Chang's sudden outburst.

"I wouldn't be angry if that was the case! Do you know what happened when we went to retrieve the keys one month ago?"

"What happened?"

"The storefront was gone! We're left with 3 commercial housings, and 2 of them are in very bad locations!"

"Huh? What the hell happened?" Ye Ci was unable to make sense out of Liu Chang's words, "Haven't you reached an agreement with the developers? Didn't you sign an agreement or something?"

"This is where we took a wrong approach. We signed a provisional agreement instead of a formal contract! My family would of course never agree to such arrangement, so we caused a scene in their office. One of the employees took a pity on us and told us that the storefront has always been there for us, but they were swapped away by someone else a few days before we went there." Ye Ci could almost see fire spewing out of Liu Chang's eyes.

Ye Ci could understand Liu Chang's anger. She would react in a similar way if it happened to her family.

"Have you guys thought of getting it back?"

"We'll talk about that later. What I want to say is.. Do you know who was the one who swapped away our storefront?"

Ye Ci was momentarily stunned. But after placing the pieces of information together, she was able to make a guess, "You're not going to tell me that it's Yi Cang's family are you?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to tell you!" Liu Chang anger was apparent, "His mother had a brief conversation with my mother when the developers talked about the development project. She asked my mom about the property we're going to get, and my mom told her everything! So that was why they were able to swap away our storefront with the two of their worst housings!"

"F*ck!" Ye Ci's anger soared as well, "Are they still humans? Are they still friends of your parents? How could they do that?"

"This is exactly why I'm pissed off!"

"Have your family confronted them about this?"

"Of course we did! They denied everything, and even warned us against making false accusations as it will sour the relationship between our families! They even tried to use the fact that they found my grandma a good hospital when she was sick to guilt-trip us into backing off." Liu Chang's face was flushed red with anger. She turned around and threw punches on the nearby wall, as if they were Yi Cang's parents.

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