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Jade saw grey.

Grey ceiling.

Grey walls.

Grey curtains.

Gray blankets.

She shifted she head to the side, feeling a tickle up her nose, she lifted a hand to search what had caused the feeling, only to find IV's hooked into her hand and the crook of her elbow.

She reached the rest of the way up and felt the tubes in her nostrils. She scrunched her nose and breathed out. She let out a short cough and turned her head up to see the monitors she had been hooked up to. Her heart rate was beeping steadily. .

She licked her dry and cracked lips and let out a breath. When she turned her head the other direction she saw her grandmother resting in the chair in the corner of the room. She smiled weakly and blinked.

She attempted to sit up but felt a strong hand gently press on her right shoulder. "I wouldn't. "

She gasped, jumping in fear, then wincing as pain spread through her body. She opened her eyes again to see a man standing beside her bed. She reached up and pulled the tubes from her nostrils, shivering as she did so; the weird feeling sending chills down her spine.

A well built man wearing jeans and a tight black t-shirt that hugged his body; noticeable muscles lining his arms and chest stood beside her. The man was obviously well fit.

She opened her mouth to speak but it came out as a rasp. She closed her mouth and tried clearing her throat but it did nothing.

The mystery man reached over, Jade felt herself lean back away from him as he reached back towards her.

In his hand a cup of water.

She made an "oh" with her mouth and carefully  grasped the cup in her shaky hands. The man scoffed and sat back down, one leg crossed over his other knee and arms crossed over his chest.

She glanced at the water before carefully brining it up some and sniffing it lightly.

"It's not poisoned. Drink. " He spoke again, gruffly.

She took a sip before feeling the cool sensation go down her dry throat. She sighed and gulped the rest down in seconds. "Easy kid, it ain't going no where. "

He said. She wiped her mouth and shrunk back into the pillows. "Thank-you. "

He hummed. Leaning back, arms still crossed. "How are you feeling? "

He had quietly asked.

"Well, I hurt. Everywhere. What uh- what happened to me? " He hummed again, seemingly ignoring her question. She glanced back at her grandmother when the old woman shifted.

"How long has she been here? " Jade asked.

"The whole time you were here. " He replied. Jade rolled her eyes and looked at him again.

"And how long was that? "

"Four days. "

Jades eyes widened. She faintly heard the heart rate monitor speed up, but she vaguely registered it in her mind. "What?! Why have I been here four days! "

"Relax. Just, chill out. What do you remember? " The man leaned forward, elbows on his knees.

"I remember- " She paused, staring at her hands, folded in her lap.

"I remember nothing... I- why am I here? What happened to me? And who are you? " 

The man didn't respond, but he looked strangely relieved. She lifted her head up more. "Who are you? "

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