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The morning of the funeral was a nightmare.

A beautiful day outside; not a cloud in the sky.

Jade stood beside her grandmother, the two men that broke the news to their family stood off to the side,
Captain Orion and Mr. Ron.

Jade secretly despised the two men, and was determined to find out what happened to her parents herself if they wouldn't spill.

The church they held the wake assisted in lowering the caskets into place. Nobody showed, except for Sam's family and Mikaela of course.

All of their family friends were also tied into the military and were on duty or they had moved away. No one cared enough to make the trip here to say goodbye.

Though they sent sympathy cards and posted on social media about the loss of their "dear friends", who they hadn't even cared to speak to in years and everybody is all of a sudden their best friends.

Everybody knew those kinds of people.


And Jade wanted nothing to do with them.

At the funeral, Sam's mother had to be the worst, tears free falling like rivers and sobs wracked her body, not a single care about who seen her that way. Jade wasn't much for public emotion and contained hers into a blank face.

Though, inside was a raging storm of emotions.

Even to her surprise, Captain Orion seemed to show the some emotion, while Mr. Ron had a stone hard look to his face. Sam held his in, trying to comfort Jade the best way he can without losing it himself.

Jade took a deep breath and closed her eyes as the caskets lowered.

Birds chirped, basking in the early morning sun light.

They say, that with a beautiful morning, a new life begins.

Well screw that.

Had been Jade's thoughts on that statement. She'd rather go back in time.

She didn't want a new life to begin, she wanted her life before, when parents were alive and well. She wanted to spend every waking minute with them. It was unfair, to have them both ripped away from her so suddenly.

Jade sighed deeply again, regretting not spending more time with them. 

She regretted how she ignored them the day before they were to leave for deployment... She was angry at the time, and much younger. She was simply angry at them for leaving near the holidays, when they promised to be there.

And now look where it has ended.

With her parents in wooden boxes six feet under.

Who knew what they looked like in those caskets. They were given a closed casket funeral.

Captain Orion and Mr. Ron had insisted on a closed casket and it was ultimately up to Jade's grandmother, who was after all, the mother of Jade's father; David.

Were their bodies torn apart by bombs or something?

Could they have been littered with bullet holes?

Burned to a crisp in some kind of fire?

Were they at all recognizable?

Had their bodies even been recovered?

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