I.VII.: Battle of New York

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"I made you a coffee. It's not as strong as you like it, but-" Liam stopped when he found the infirmary completely empty.

"Where is everybody?" He asked Fury when he entered the bridge.

"They didn't take you with them?" Said Fury with confusion. Liam's furrowed eyebrows was enough of an answer.

"Loki's planning to take over New York. And his throne is going to be the Stark Tower." Informed him Maria and Fury threw him a set of keys. Liam looked at the director with questioning gaze.

"It appears that the new toy we built for you survived Hulk's rampage." Liam's lips slowly but surely turned upwards.

"So, where are you dropping me off?"

-Time skip-

The battle of New York was in full swing, and the heroes did not appear to be winning. Banner was nowhere to be found and Rogers was slowly beginning to regret leaving Mills on Helicarrier. The amount of chitauri attacking Captain America was just too much even for the super solider. One of them grabbed his leg and Steve fell. Startled, he did not hear the rumble of an engine coming closer and closer.


Large black motorcycle with blue underlighting flew over Captain's body, successfully knocking the chitauri away. The driver quickly pulled out a gun and shot all the aliens that were scrambling to their feet. Then they took of their helmet.


"We young people have to help the elderly citizens." Said Liam with a snarky tone and helped Captain on his feet.

"Is that Banner?" Stark asked Stave through the comms.

"No, Mills."

"Perfect, we'll need him too. You hear me, Liam?"

"Now I do." Liam said when he connected to their frequency.

"Great. I'm gonna have to pay a little visit to Loki and I'll need Jarvis to be active for that. However, he needs a re-start."

"I can do that from here." Said Liam and looked up the tall Stark Tower.

"No, no, no. I mean complete re-start." Liam blinked a few times before sighting.

"Out and in the plug?"


"Shit Stark. And you're saying that the homicidal god is in the same building?"

"Yeah... Look, I wouldn't ask this of you if it wasn't important, ok. I need the suit. And you can do it the fastest out of all of us."

"I don't know if you haven't realised this yet, but I don't need guns or super strength to be the most powerful man in the room. But I'm afraid that that's not gonna work on Loki." Growled Liam.

"If it's true what Romanoff said about you, then in the last two years you have managed to blow up six enemy bases and steal their info, on your own! Don't tell me that this is gonna be a problem for you." Glared Steve and Liam turned to him with fury in his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry Captain. Would you like to go up there and fight a guy who seems to be able to control minds?!"

"Boys, you're both pretty, but I'm running out of arrows here." Clint quickly stepped in before their argument got too personal.

"You know what? Fuck it. Tony, if I die up there, donate all my organs to those in need, except of my middle fingers. Give those to Fury."

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