Chapter 2

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I turn around trying to figure out who is who.

"Anderson?" someone behind me asks.

I turn around again only to see a guy with dirty blonde hair who was smiling a little.

"...and you are...?" I say smiling a little.

Here I was the only female so it was easy for them to recognize me, there are so many of them and I don't know how to immediately associate surnames!

"Hemmings, I mean, Luke, call me Luke and you are ..."

"Abigail" I say extending my hand to shake it, which he accepts with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Abigail, I guess we will work together from today. Come with me I will introduce you to the other guys in our group" he says and I follow him.

"Do you already know them all?" I ask surprised.

"Not all of them. Just the other 3 who'll be with us today. They're my best friends ... and roommates! We've known each other since high school, and do you know anyone? Where did you live before Los Angeles?" He asks.

"Um ... actually no, I don't know anyone. And ... I'm from ... San Francisco, yes San Francisco!" I say lying a little.

God, why do I have to stammer?
I mean, it wasn't entirely a lie.

"Really? How nice! But you have a different accent!" he points.

"Well, you too" I indicate with a smile.

"This is because I am Australian and you are instead ..."

"Italian ... but I moved when I was very young" I honestly say.

"God, I love Italy, I've heard it's a really beautiful place and some incredible food! Why did you move?" he asks.


"Umm ... work, my parents' job .... they ... had a proposal for a good job here" I lie.

God Abbs, you can do better.

"Oh I'm sorry, but that's okay, I mean ... look where you are! You'll also make new friends!" he says smiling.

"Yeah..." I say a little timidly.

"And what do your parents do?" he asks as we walk down a corridor.

God, please stop asking questions.

"Um, they're lawyers ... yes, they're lawyers and yours?" I say trying to shift the topic of conversation to him.

"Oh my mother is a teacher and my father is a surgeon" he says proudly.

"Oh, so he's your inspiration?" I ask him trying to sound polite but most of all in an attempt not to make him ask more questions.

"Yes ... yeah, I really admire him very much" he says and I can see the sparkle in his eyes as he talks about him.

I wish I could do the same.

"LUKE!" shouts a voice.

A smiling red-haired boy greets us as we approached him and the other two boys.

"Guys this is Abigail Anderson, she will work with us" he introduces me to his friends.

"Hi nice to meet you guys" I smile trying not to look shy but I don't think it worked.

"Oh God but you're the one who stood up to that dick this morning! Nice jokes by the way it was hard for me to keep myself from laughing, anyway I'm Michael" the red-haired boy tells me and I shake his hand smiling.

"Yeah..uhm about that... let's forget it" I laugh a bit.

"God no, this story has to live for ages please, I'm Ashton nice to meet you"

"My pleasure" I say, offering him my hand to shake.

"They're right, it was fantastic, I'm Calum by the way," the last introduces himself as I shake his hand.

I love to shake hands.
I consider it a very underestimated gesture of courtesy and education.
I know it's weird but I've learned to love it.

"I guess we have to run and get these things to the lab" Ashton points out.

"Yeah, I guess" we all say so we head to the laboratory.

"Doesn't he scare you?" I ask laughing a little.

"Who? Murphy? God, I was less afraid of the monster under my bed when I was 4" Micheal says and we all laugh.

"What? I swear there was a monster!"

We reached the laboratory I don't know how since we got lost from the moment we took the first corridor, but somehow we made it.

Now we were waiting for the results to come back.

"So Abby, you're new in L.A." Luke smiles.

"Y-yes, let's say yes" I laugh a little.

"Well, we should take you on a tour" Michael offers.

"Um ... yeah that would be great but you don't have to worry" I smile shyly.

"Absolutely not, we want to do it, the only thing is to find out when we have free time" Ashton points out.

"It looks like we're under house arrest" I say.

"Worse" Luke adds with a chuckle.

We all laughed a little, but suddenly my watch started beeping.

I turn it off.
It's 11 in the morning.

"Sorry, this thing rings every hour" I say smiling as I adjust the clock.

I pretend that everything is normal.

"Guys, sorry if I ask you like this, but I really should go to the bathroom for a moment. Do you mind if I reach you in a very short time?" I say trying to be as convincing as possible.

"Sure! You didn't have to ask, we'll be waiting for you right here" Calum smiles.


And with this I run to the locker room.

After asking 4 people for directions, I arrived at my destination.

I take my bag and go to the bathroom.

Quick Abby, go quick.

I quickly take the pills and swallow them with some water.

I try to hide the evidence of the "crime" as best I can and leave the bathroom.


Oh no.

"Stewart" I say.

"What were you doing in there?" He asks.

I raise an eyebrow.

"What happens in a bathroom?" I say without filters.

With this I put the bag in the locker and run away.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
Hey guys!!! I'm back!
I know I've kept you waiting for a long time but I've been a little busy lately.
I will try to update as much as I can.

I hope you are all well!
Let me know what you think!

Love ya!
Stay safe♡︎  -𝓕

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