Chapter 12

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Abigail's pov

What the hell was going on.
All I felt was pain.
I woke up to the sound of a beeping machine.

No no, this can't be ...

"Abigail, Abigail can you hear me? If so, open your eyes for me, alright."

A calm voice was calling me but I couldn't recognize it.

I open my eyes only to be blinded by a light.

"No no, open your eyes Abigail come on"

I took a moment to adjust to the light.
As the blurred world became clearer, I understood everything.

I was in a hospital bed.

I started panicking.
I don't have to be here.
I was fine, I was out of there.

"Dr. Anderson, you have to breathe. Abigail, breathe" the voice, which I now recognize as Dr. Murphy's voice, tells me softly.

"I don't have to be here ... Why am I here, I don't want to be here" I rush to say putting a hand through my hair.

"Abigail you are fine-"

"Let me out .... oh God let me out" I start crying clutching my hair as I bring my knees to my chest trying to avoid a panic attack.

"Abigail, look. This is a NORMAL room. There is also a door, which is not locked! You are out of there, but now you have to breathe."

I tried to stabilize my breathing, but it was so fucking hard.

"Okay I understand, I'll give you a relaxer" he says moving to prepare the needle.

"Noo! No, please, give me a few minutes" sob "I'll do it myself-"

"Abigail, you have difficulty breathing and your oxygen level is too low, you are a doctor, what does that mean?"

I hiccup trying to stop my hands from shaking.

"I need to calm down" I say in my broken voice as I squint as the pain in my chest grows more and more "otherwise I faint"

"Exactly, and we don't want that, do we?" He asks me as if I were a child.

"Don't force me, stop forcing me" I cry.

I was embarrassing myself in front of my boss.
Good job Abby.
Now you will probably have to change hospitals if you want to work without being embarrassed.

"Abigail, no one is forcing you, okay? Tell me you're okay with me giving you this medicine. You know you need it, I can tell your chest hurts."

I thought about it for a second.
It hurt so much.

"Yes p-please" I hiccup.

He walked over to me and quickly wiped my arm.

"Okay Abigail look the other way, this won't hurt-"

"It is always like this, you always say the same-"

"But I'm not one of those liars you had as doctors. Trust me, look the other way."

I did as he told me not wanting to cause any more problems, but my heartbeat was literally soaring.

Since I felt a pinch on my arm, I turned my head to doctor Murphy who was throwing the needle and syringe into a bin.

"What did I tell you? I bet you didn't even feel it" he tells me as he presses on a point of my arm with a cotton ball.

I could feel the relaxer taking over my whole body.

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