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Dream dunked the dirty cloth in a bucket with soapy water to rinse it before ringing it continuing with the task at hand. He had a to-do list the length of Chile at this point but he had pushed it aside when Niki called him saying a third of their staff was down with the flu. Dream had to call on Sapnap to oversee distribution to the dealers while Phil continued to take care of shipping with Quackity over the phone. And so the golden boy himself could be found in a nightclub in the middle of the day cleaning chairs.

"I thought you were just gonna send Tommy or Tubbo over," Niki's voice echoed slightly in the large open space, "I didn't expect to see the boss man himself," she joked, knowing Dream could take it.

"Tubbo's somewhere with Wilbur and I forced Tommy to take time off," he pulled off the blue latex gloves he'd been wearing and threw them in the trashcan nearby, "plus I have the time so I don't mind." He didn't have the time though, this was supposed to be his lunch break but he didn't mind cleaning, it helped clear his mind and he had breakfast today so it was fine.

Niki didn't say anything more after that, she simply began looking over the glasses stacked behind the bar for any dirty ones they might have missed. Dream met her through Wilbur when he mentioned a friend of his was looking for a job. She started working there when she was 18 as a glass baby. Now a year later she took care of the upkeep before opening hours, Dream wanted to give her more hours since he knew she was saving up to move out but since she was under 21 she couldn't work while the club was open.

They cleaned in silence without talking for a bit, the only sound saving them from the echoing of their own actions was the lo-fi playlist playing over the speakers. Dream was enjoying the lack of stressful thoughts that usually decorated the wall of his mind when his phone rang.

3 PM

Meeting @ house

His little break was over, he sighed. This meeting was with his father and Phil, so he couldn't pawn it off on Sapnap or someone else.

"Niki I gotta go," he announced loudly, not sure how close the other person was, "I took care of the chairs and I started wiping down the chrome but I have to go. Who decided chrome and drunk sweaty people with grabby sticky hands was a good combination?"

"Didn't you help design this place?" Niki smirked at the taller, leaving him stunned. He wasn't sure what to say, instead, she continued speaking, "Puffy said she'd come in a couple of hours before her shift, so we'll be fine. Go on now." She slipped out from behind the bar and went down the employee-only hallway.

Dream picked up the hoodie he had thrown over the back of a chair before he started his cleaning spree. He opted not to put it on, assuming the weather had drifted to be much warmer than when he had left his house sometime this morning. Throwing one last look around the room he left the way he had come.

The End had been his and Wilbur's first big project together. They had designed it to be the perfect laundering place as well as just a fun place to party. Separated into three levels, there was room for every type of person, from the ones who bought a single drink to those who spent thousands of dollars on a single night. It was quite the success and Dream had to admit he was quite proud of Wilbur and himself.

The dark nightclub with the chrome reflective surfaces set an elegant yet sensual background for the young adults and grown-ups who frequented the club to lose themselves to the rhythm of the DJs music. And Dream would be amiss if he hadn't been one of those people. He recalled one night a couple of months back he'd been out with Sapnap and Quackity when the youngest of the three had disappeared with a mysterious brunet boy in his arms. One they would soon come to know was named Karl.

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