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The weight on his lap felt divine, the lips licking the column of his neck made sin pool in the bottom of his stomach. Everything looked like a blur of dark red shades and shadows but every touch was doubled tenfold. This feeling trembling through his thighs, spiking every nerve along his spine was better than being high, hit him harder than the purest of cocaine.

Hands roamed from his shoulders down his back leaving deep red marks, the slight sting bleeding together with the pleasure from the one on his lap making out with neck. Dream pulled the phantom closer, his hands on a sculpted ass. He moaned at the applied pressure to his cock, his body felt like it had been set ablaze and this person he couldn't see was the only water around for miles.

"Please," the word fell from his lips after a particularly rough bite to his collarbones, kitten licks followed gently though no blood had been drawn.

"Please, what?" The voice sounded familiar yet it wasn't one he knew well. It was heavy with desire and dripped with honey and a ... British accent? The owner of the voice pulled back finally letting Dream look at them.

Green eyes met blue and brown barely visible around blown pupils. Unruly brunet curls framed the face previously hidden in Dream's neck. The blush on the blond's cheeks was matched by the man in his lap, matched by George in his lap.

"Please what, Dream?" George repeated cupping his face with both hands gently brushing his thumb over the younger's cheek, looking at him like he was something precious. Dream swallowed with great difficulty.

"Please," he felt breathless, "please kiss me."

Dream woke up in his bed. Alone. He hadn't jerked up like you see in the movies, his eyes had simply snapped open after he had uttered the request in his lust-induced dream.

He reached out for the phone that was charging under the pillow next to him. The sheets were damp from the sweat, a mix of the hot Florida weather and the dream still lingering on his mind. He pulled his phone off the cord and let the cold blue light wash over his face.


hey dude u good?


Karl's sleeping but I can call?


plz call if u need anything

Dream both loved and hated how well his best friend was able to read him, no mask could fool Sapnap when it came to Dream. They'd grown up together with Sapnap's parents being part of the family, the two boys had been inseparable as children. Anywhere you'd see Sapnap Dream wouldn't be far behind and vice versa. When Sapnap had struggled with his confidence as a young teenager Dream had been his personal cheerleader, supporting and comforting the raven-haired boy in everything and anything he did. And when Dream was plagued by nightmares Sapnap was there in his bedroom next door, on a phone call and sometimes he'd speed across town from his apartment just to hug his frightened friend.

But this wasn't a nightmare, far from it. Dream found himself closing his eyes trying to remember the scene that played out in his unconscious mind but the images were fleeting fast. All he could remember was the physical touches, the weight on his lap, and the elegant fingers down his back.

Dream groaned and threw his phone back on the white cotton sheets. It was 5 am, too early to get up for the day but he felt it too late to go back to sleep when he saw the sun peeking in the horizon. Once again he closed his eyes and tried to think of his dream, tried to remember the sinful expression on George's face when he had looked at Dream.

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