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Minor TW: References to Jubilee Line

Wilbur's music was... sad. Don't get George wrong it was very good and Wilbur clearly knew what he was doing on the guitar but it wasn't quite what he had imagined for this evening. He had imagined some drinks, a little dancing, you get the picture. It was still early though the night could still change.

One of the songs immediately struck a chord within him. A song about London's underground and despair at the system. He remembered what it was like to grow up in London and the first time he noticed the tragedies that took place in the underground far too often. It almost felt wrong to sit there in the bar being tipsy with his friends. He pushed the feeling away not wanting the memories of England to ruin his night out. He took another sip of his drink.

Some of the songs were about a girl who seemed to have left quite the impression on Wilbur's life when they broke up. George felt bad for the other man on stage in front of him. To him, there was nothing worse than losing someone you loved. To give yourself so fully to a person, have them know your body, your mind, and all your secrets, only to be nothing but a stranger in the crowd after you split. The thought gave him a hollow in his spine, he never wanted to be vulnerable like that but at the same time, he craved that connection. He took another sip.

Suddenly Karl was waving at someone, Sapnap followed suit and George looked in the same direction. They seemed to be waving at a man in a suit standing by the bar. Who was this guy? Going to a sleazy dive bar in what looked like a tailored suit, a bit eccentric for George's taste but he didn't know if the guy came straight from work or something.

The stranger seemed hesitant to come over to their table, he seemed to know Karl and Sapnap so he couldn't be thinking he was too good for them. Right?

As Wilbur finished his song George clapped with the others in the crowd. This might not be his type of music but he could tell the man was talented and he wanted to show support.

Suddenly the stranger was by his side, George had barely heard him come closer. He must have been too distracted by the teenage boys yelling. Were they British too? Jezz, he left England for a reason, he didn't think he'd run into any British people in Florida let alone a whole group.

"You made it." George was still watching the show as Sapnap greeted the stranger, he hadn't been bothered to look more at him. He had seen him from across the room and didn't want to be rude and stare. "Here we can scootch." George scooted, following Sapnap's lead making space for the stranger. It was a bit difficult as the booth wasn't made to fit more than four people. Good thing Karl and Sapnap almost sat on each other so they could make it work.

But the stranger only sat with one leg on the booth, sitting on the edge like he wanted to be ready to run the second he saw someone more interesting to talk to. George didn't blame him. The stranger was obviously friends with Sapnap and Karl, but they were cool people who did interesting things. Karl the history major with his natural charisma and a laugh to die for and Sapnap who looked like the strong quiet type until you got to know him and you found out he was the biggest softie and amazingly funny. Together they were Karl and Sapnap, a couple that made George believe love can elevate you to new heights while keeping you grounded with someone who makes the stars shine brighter.

George and Bad were... different. Don't get George wrong he loved Bad, he was probably the single kindest person he'd ever met but he wasn't great at first impressions. He was shy and quiet and tended to pull himself back when in a situation like this. New places and new people weren't a good combination for the older brunet. If the stranger said a negative word in Bad's direction Geroge would kill him. He took another sip of his drink.

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