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Thanks for those who have read my story so far!
Its my first one!
Hope u enjoy and feel free to comment! ARIGATO!


I kept walking further and further - I didn't know where I was going, and I really didn't care either. I was frustrated...why?

My feelings are all over the place. I gritted my teeth. Uggh! What's happening? Why am I so angry? I was only with Juvia! Its not that I like her or anything right? Yeah we kissed but, that was...the heat of the moment? I don't like i?

Now I was even more confused. My head was on fire....I'm over-thinking this. Juvia's just a friend who I went around town with? It wasn't a date or anything....^.^

What if she thought it was a date?! Ughhh! Why did I even accept? I dot like her! But...I was happy with her....

I was thinking so much I banged into a pole. Ouuuch!
I was now laying on the floor, and I couldn't be bothered to get up.

I looked towards the sky...the stars were up...its that late already? I was out along time...

"Mmm", the night sky seemed to calm me down. The stars. "Do i l-like Juvia?"

JUVIA'S POV (earlier)
OH MY, I NEARLY KISSED GRAY-SAMA!!! KISSED! Gray-sama..... I grin like a mad man if only LYON DIDNT INTERUPT!

I sighed and walked back to the guild;  Its only 3pm so I wanted to see the girls (mostly to tell them about my date with Gray-sama! And thank them!)

Once I got there, I rushed over to Erza and hugged her. She shrieked at first, but accepted.

"Juvia. I guess the date went well", she said with an evil grin.

"Juvia's date was amazing! Arigato, Erza!", I thanked.

"Oohh Juvia's back!", Lucy joked. Mirajane followed and giggled. We were now huddled around the bar while I explained my date with Gray-sama... Gray-sama..≧ω≦

"Awhh...stupid Lyon! Baka!", Lucy yelled, agitated. I giggled but sighed.
"Well anyway Juvia, you can't stop there!"


"We should think of something else for Juvia and Gray to do together...", Lucy smiled micheviously. Mira and Erza nodded and smiled creepily too.
I didn't know what to do, they all huddled together and forgot about me.

"Heh? Juvia wants to know what you're planning for her and Gray-sama!"
I was replied with silence and bickering from the group.

"Got it!", Mira exclaimed, "A job together!"


Sorry for the short chapter... Oh well ^ω^still more to come!

He finally realizes it (Gruvia Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora