CH.03 - Speaking about Saints...

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Inej was the first person who entered the fighting pit. She looked around her, scanning the room for any sign of Sabo. But she wasn't here.

"Looks like you'll have to do the talking, Jes."

Jesper, who was walking behind her along with Kaz complained.

"Don't worry about it, I'll do it." Kaz said as he started looking for Billy.

Jesper and Inej shared a look. Inej raised her eyebrow at him. Jesper just shrugged. "I'm just relieved I don't have to talk to him."


"Tell us how to safely cross the Fold." Kaz stated, for what it felt the fourth time this night.

"Just go around," Billy said simply while bandaging his hands. The people around them were getting more and more riled up. Ready for the fight he was about to engage in.

"It stretches all the way north to the Fjerdan border." Kaz responded coldly.

"Ja," Billy replied irritated. "So, go to Fjerda. March through the permafrost."

"How long would that take?" Kaz questioned him. The people around him were getting closer and closer towards the Fjerdan fighter. Kaz squared his shoulders.

"From here?" Billy asked looking up at the man with the cane. Kaz nodded at him. "Four months. Maybe five."

"We don't have that kind of time." Kaz breathed. Billy rolled his eyes and stood up to stretch.

"Either you take your time, or you take your chances." was the last thing Billy said before walking away.

"How does Sabo work with that guy?" Jesper asked his friends.

"She can fight him, and she gets paid to do it." Inej said while raising her brow. "Who wouldn't?"

The bell started ringing, which made the people around the ring shout. Kaz stood up from his seat, relieved that the crowd had started to walk towards the ring.

"Where is she?" Inej wondered out loud.


Kaz was slowly rotating his cane.

They were sitting together in a booth of the Crow Club. Inej was balancing her knife on the table, while Jesper was occasionally glancing at the gambling table 10 feet away from them. Kaz put his hand over the crow-shaped handle.

There was no way to pass through the Fold in the little time that they had, but they still had a few hours to figure it out, and there was a million-kruge on the line. Kaz would figure it out he was convinced of it.

Jesper quickly looked at Kaz and Inej, lifting his head and narrowing his eyes.

"Here's what I don't get." He started but Inej interrupted him, a smirk evident on her face.

"We're going to be here all night."

Jesper looked at her amused. "Rude." He responded before proceeding. "Why haven't they tried going under it? Just dig a tunnel."

"They tried that." Kaz replied. "More than a century ago, but something heard them digging."

"It was made hundreds of years ago by that crazy Grisha."

"The Black Heretic." Inej replied, her blade still twirling on the table.

"Yeah, the one that controls shadow. They've got one in their army, now don't they? General Kirigan?" Jesper asked, having no interest anymore in the gambling table.

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