CH.13 - Scars

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It hadn't taken long before Inej and Sabo met up with Kaz and Jesper at the fountain. They were standing beside it looking around them. Kaz and Sabo locked eyes. Jesper followed his gaze.

"Well, you two sure took your sweet time." He complained. He glanced at Inej who slightly shook her head at him. "Not good?"

Jesper glanced at Sabo who was looking paler by the minute. Kaz glanced at his girls, not understanding what was wrong until his eyes landed on the knife. He stopped breathing.

"That's really not good." Jesper breathed when he also noticed. "What happened?"

Sabo smiled. "The inferni was kind enough to return my knife."

Kaz took a step towards her, checking how bad her injury was. The knife was located in her lower stomach, at her left side. Inej glanced at Sabo her lower back, the knife stuck out. The scars she already wore reflected in the early sunlight.

"The inferni is dead," Inej confirmed.

Kaz gave Inej a grave nod while his gaze was fixated on the blood which was sticking on Sabo her hands. Jesper took over Sabo from Inej her shoulder. Inej exhaled.

"Oh, come on. I'm not that heavy." Sabo joked.

"You're way too light," Inej responded.

"Hmm." Sabo studied. "It's probably the blood loss."

"You can't manage a horse," Jesper concluded, Sabo leaned against him. "Not even riding double." he decided.

"You know how much I like to ride double," Sabo replied.

Jesper laughed at her but turned serious pretty quick. "We'll have to come up with another plan." Kaz turned around, the gears turning in his head. His eyes landed on General Kirigans carriage, which was parked behind them. Jesper follows his gaze.

"That's a pretty nice ride." Jesper grinned.

"Yes, indeed it is," Kaz said, his voice low. "Jesper." He said while he tilted his head towards the carriage door.

"I got her," Inej said as Jesper lowered Sabo on the fountain so she could rest. Jesper nodded at Inej before he and Kaz walked towards the carriage.

"Why did you do it?" Inej whispered.

"Do what?" Sabo asked.

"When we arrived here, why did you let Alina go?"

Sabo studied Inej for a moment.

"She didn't deserve the fate that people like us were willing to give her just for a few kruge. " Sabo said, her voice unsteady. Inej thought back about the scars she had once seen on Sabo her lower back. Inej nodded at her as she turned her gaze back towards the carriage.

"I'm on your team, Inej," Sabo whispered. "We're not letting anyone get her." Inej nodded at her, glad to have someone on her team.

Jesper opened the carriage door. "Oh, hello." He yelled as he raised his voice. Kaz, who was standing at the other side of the carriage understood the subtle hint. The Grisha threw his book at Jesper before he hopped out the other side. Kaz smacked the Grisha with the top half of his cane. The Grisha fell unconscious.

"He threw a book at me."


Jesper opened the door to the barn while Sabo leaned on him. Sabo looked around the barn.

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