CH.12 - the flames

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It had turned dark soon after that. Jesper and Sabo were setting their trap outside.

"But for real, what's going on between you two?" Jesper asked as he placed the bomb in the carriage. Sabo felt like making an explosion joke again, but she held herself back.

"Nothing is going on between us," Sabo explained. "He's just angry that we aren't going to get the target."

"I don't think that's it," Jesper observed. "You're like the only person I know who could get Kaz to lift the corners of his lips, just a little bit. This whole day he has been brooding. Watching you. Are you planning on betraying us?" Jesper joked.

Sabo shot him a look. "He asked me that too."

"He did?"

"In one way or another," Sabo replied as she slowly stepped out of the carriage, Jesper was behind her as he closed the door behind them.

"But why would he do that?"

"Because I told him that I have no interest in kidnapping the Sun Summoner."

Jesper frowned at her. "Then why did you go with us?"

"Because I thought she was a fake, Jes," Sabo explained. "She's just a girl who happens to have a gift she can't do anything about. She'll be hunted for the rest of her life, not only for her abilities as a Grisha but also because the people see her as a saint. I'm not a kidnapper, Jesper. Not to the people who have done nothing to deserve it."

Jesper thought about her comment as they walked back towards the pub where Inej and Kaz were. His mother had taught him how to use his powers, he was a Grisha, or how they called it back in Novyi Zem: zowa.

His father had always been very protective over him and his gift. What if he was in the Summoners' place? What if instead of his ability he had gotten the gift to summon the sun?

He shook his head at himself as he dropped down his bag on the table of Inej and Kaz.

"The alarm trigger is set, horses are ready and we've stashed the rest of our gear," Jesper said as they sat down at their table.

"If we don't move soon, the Black General will be on top of us," Kaz replied, looking at his watch. Kaz looked up towards Sabo, then shifted his gaze towards Inej.

"I just settled our tab with the last of our coin." she said, looking back at Kaz.

Jesper glanced at each of his friends.

"We're going to leave empty-handed, then?" he asked as his gaze landed on Kaz. Kaz wanted to reply but before he could an explosion went off outside.

Sabo straightened in her seat. "Fuck." She cursed.

"Our alarm." Jesper approved, looking at Sabo. Adrenaline already pumping through his veins. Kaz looked towards the entrance.

"Split up," he ordered. "Much easier to take a Grisha one-on-one than a whole squad of them. Rendezvous at the fountain." They stood up from the table. Sabo shared a glance with Inej before they walked outside.

They walked behind the people who were fleeing the pub. The civilians were already gathering outside, curious what had happened. They walked outside until they all collectively froze.

In front of them, Grisha had gathered, clearly searching for them.

The blonde Inferni glared at her, an object in her hand. Sabo looked towards it and recognized the blade immediately. It was the knife Kaz had gifted her. She looked back at the woman, recognition flashing over her face.

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