CH.02 - Stolen revenge

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Sabo walked down the spiraling staircase, she took a quick look around the club and its entrances. Jesper was guarding the door. She walked towards him and gave him a push.

"You told Kaz that I named my fists?" Jesper had looked offended when she pushed him until he understood why. A smile appeared on his face.  

"Come on, it is funny."

"I never told you that, asshole." She said, trying to appear mad at him. But a smile made its way towards her face. She pulled up the hood from her coat as she watched the rain hit the pavement. 

Jesper grinned. "So you do have names for them?"

Sabo rolled her eyes at him. Jesper gave her a slight shove as they watched people enter the club. 

"Are we finally going to buy you a gun later tonight?" Jesper asked.

"I already got a weapon." 

Jesper rolled his eyes again. "Just know that every day you refuse to wear a weapon on you, I'll think of different names for your fists, just to annoy you." Jesper said, not joking in the slightest as he crossed his arms over each other. 

"First of all, I think that Fuck around and Find Out are the best you're going to think of." She spoke. "Second of all, Kaz gave me a knife, so we can finally drop this conversation."

"First of all." Jesper copied her. "You are underestimating my abilities to make fun of you. Second of all, he gave you a knife?"

Sabo nodded as she took the knife out of its holster. "Tada." Jesper took the knife and turned it around, suppressing the knowing smirk that was making its way to his face. 

Sabo looked towards the door, wondering where Lorelai was waiting for her.

"Are you going?" Jesper asked as he returned her knife.

"Jup, unfortunately, if it isn't you pestering me, it's someone else." She said staring at the rain that was hitting the pavement.

"Well, at least you have a shiny new weapon to defend yourself. Fuck around and Find Out can finally take a little break."

Sabo smiled as she shook her head at him. "I'll see you later Jesper."

"See ya."


Sabo walked away from the club, she looked around until she spotted the woman she called her friend.

Lorelai was leaning against the building opposite the Crow Club. She was wearing a long dress with a black coat over it. Her curly hair stuck up in a high ponytail.  

Sabo knew that if she walked straight towards her, people would notice. Not only the people out on the streets but also people inside of the club she just left. Jesper was still guarding the door and there was a chance that someone else was watching her from his window, Kaz.

Kaz Brekker didn't know a lot about Sabo. The only thing he knew was that she was a refugee from the Ravkan war. An ordinary girl who had lost her parents.

In a way that was true, but Sabo knew that a person like Kaz Brekker wasn't content with that limited information. She noticed the looks he sometimes gave her. Trying to figure out who she was and where she was really from. 

Keeping in mind that she could be watched Sabo walked towards Lorelai. 

"Follow me in five minutes." She whispered as she walked past the woman in the Bordeaux red dress.

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