CH.04 - Dreesen's word.

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Kaz, Inej, Jesper, and Sabo had retrieved the blond-haired Heartrender before Pekka Rollins could have. Kaz couldn't stop the smirk that made its way towards his face as they walked towards the Dreesen mansion.

"I really appreciate the new business, Mr. Brekker," The Heartrender named Milana started. "But you've only paid for an hour of my time and I have to be back at the Orchid. "

"The Orchid isn't safe tonight. Your life's in danger with this job. You should make yourself scarce for a few days afterward." Kaz said glancing around him. 

Jesper his hands were resting on his revolvers as Inej was checking the rooftops around them. Sabo wanted to grab her knife, she cursed herself instantly. She could not depend on something else that easily.

If you can't fight with your bare hands you can't fight at all. 

"Are you guys threatening me? Really?" Milana scoffed. "Even if I'm nice my boss will call the stadwatch on you."

"It's not us you're in danger with. It's Pekka Rollins." Kaz stated, not affected in the slightest. 

"My boss would call the stadwatch on him as well." Milana answered as she put her arms over each other. 

"Which is why your boss is already dead."

Milana looked at Kaz shocked as he turned around and moved along with the group. Milana followed them. Kaz tried suppressing his smirk. 

"You're insufferable you know that?" Sabo laughed. 

Kaz turned his face towards her slightly. "Then how come you're smiling?"

They had finally arrived at Dreesen his mansion. It was a big white house surrounded by a black fence. A guard was standing behind it. 

"Who are you lot?" The man shouted at them. 

"We're here to see Dreesen." Kaz spoke, not slowing down his step as he walked towards the fence. 

"You're not with Pekka's crew." The man stated as he took a look at them, squinting his eyes. 

"And you're not in Pekka's pocket anymore if you don't owe him." Kaz grabbed something out of his jacket. A bag filled with coins. He tossed the bag towards the guard.  The man looked at Kaz approvingly before unlocking the gate.  Sabo suppressed a smile as she and her friends walked by the guard who closed the gate behind them.

"Hey, where did you get that coin?" Jesper asked Kaz as he started walking next to them. But before Kaz could answer the guard shouted. 

"Hey! One of these has a hole in it!" 

"Saints." Jesper grinned. 

Sabo laughed too, Kaz had collected the fake coins that the bearded man had been spending at one of their gambling tables. 

"Inside." Kaz said hastily. "Inside."

Another guard let them into the office of Dreesen. An older man with a thick curly mustache looked up from his desk. 

"One look and I can tell," Dreesen said. "Criminals. I'm not meeting anyone 'til midnight." 

Sabo took a quick look through the room, two guards were stationed behind Dreesen, one on his left and one on his right. The guard who had escorted them towards Dreesen his office was standing behind them. 

"We heard you needed a Heartrender." Kaz spoke. Milana who was standing behind him waved towards Dreesen. Dreesen squinted his eyes as he stood up from his chair and leaned over his desk. 

"Hmm." He hummed. "All right, she stays, the rest of you, out."

Milana took a step forward but before she could walk towards the man Kaz stopped her with his cane. 

"She stays, and we have an exclusive on this job." He demanded.

Dreesen stared at the crew in front of him. 

A sharpshooter, the Wraith, a Heartrender, Ketterdam's best fighter, and the bastard of the Barrel. He laughed as he stepped around his desk, stopping in front of Kaz. 

"Mr. Brekker." He started. "No businessman worth his salt hires his first applicant."

"No, no. I understand." Kaz replied. "Of course, I will have to report you to the guild for kidnapping and harboring a prisoner without chain of title."

Sabo, who was still observing the guards, could see them flashing their guns. Jesper did the same. 

"You wouldn't." Dreesen dared. 

"No businessman worth his salt bargains for what he can take."

Dreesen took a step closer to Kaz, who kept his gaze steady. Dreesen inhaled and exhaled deeply. Milana interrupted them as she lifted her hand. 

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