CH.14 - no mourners

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After consuming the overcooked chicken, the crew headed back for Arken his train, ready to return to Ketterdam. When they arrived at the edge of the Fold they saw soldiers surrounding the vehicle. The crew hid from them, watching their actions from afar.

"How many are there?" Inej asked them. They were laying on the ground next to each other.

"Two," Kaz replied. "At some point, one of them will have to go tell a superior what they found."

"It won't be here when they do," Sabo challenged.

She knew that she could get them through the Fold, she just didn't know how Kaz was going to convince Jesper and Inej that he is going to be the one driving it.

"Not to be that person guys," Jesper said while raising his eyebrows. "But how are we sure that we're getting to the other side without the conductor, you know, conducting?" Jesper asked while raising this hands.

"Well, while you were busy hugging bait-"

"Milo, the goat's name was Milo!" Jesper interrupted him.

Kaz shot him a look. "...I was memorizing Arken's timings." He lied glancing to Sabo who was lying next to Jesper, waiting for her to back him up.

"How hard can it be?" she spoke, wondering who she really was convincing. If she had to get them through the fold, she needed to make sure that Kaz was distracting the others.

Sabo didn't want to put anyone else in danger.

Inej frowned at her.

"Not to gang up on you two, but Jes has a point. Arken's system was complicated and the ride was chaotic. No one would blame you for missing a count."

"Well, If we're in the Fold, maybe," Jesper added. Kaz shot him a look.

"Come on," Sabo said. "The ride was not that bad."

Inej, Jesper, and Kaz looked at her. Kaz wondered how she had managed to fool them considering how she was trying to convince them to join the carriage ride. "I mean, we could easily do it without Arken."

"Bo," Inej said. "After the ride, you were covered in blood and Jesper almost strangled the goat!"

"Milo!" Jesper exclaimed while he glanced at the sky as if he was asking a higher power for a favor.

"Bo? Jes?" Kaz asked Inej while he ignored Jesper. "What are you going to call me? Z?"

"It's Suli" Jesper replied. "For friendship."

"No, it's not," Inej replied as she gave Jesper a playful push. "Besides, your name is literally one syllable, I can't even shorten it if I try."

"Maybe make it longer, Z for Zorro," Sabo stated. "Do you have a mask?"

Kaz shot her an annoyed look.

"Trust me, guys. The journey will be fine." Kaz said while pushing himself upwards, ready to head towards the train. But before he could it exploded right in front of them. The soldiers who were standing in front of the carriage flew backward. Inej, Jesper, Sabo, and Kaz ducked.

When the smoke cleared it was obvious that they wouldn't be going anywhere.

"Too soon to appreciate the irony, am I right?" Jesper said, glancing at his friends.

Kaz closed his eyes and lowered his head. Jesper nodded at him. "Yeah, too soon." He whispered.


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