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~ Third person Pov ~

The night, everyone was sleeping. The moon was high in the sky, and the stars were shining. It was a peaceful night. However, there was one person who was not sleeping.

" Why did you call at this time? Is everything alright? " The person talked in a transmitter as he / she hid under the blanket talking to someone secretly.

" No Yaar, everything is a mess here, he came from the academy and wanted to talk with you, but aunt said that you already went off and now he locked himself in the room. " The other person talked to the person who was covering himself / herself under the bed.

" Slide the transmitter in his room, I will deal with him! " The person who was covering under the blanket said. The person counted till 5 before starting to speak.

" Hi kid! " The person greeted sweetly but met with the silence.

" So, are you going to give me your silent treatment, Huh? " The person said teasingly to the kid, but again met with his silent.

" Why did you call now? Checking whether I am dead or not? " The kid said out. The Kid's voice was gruff & a little manly.

" Don't you dare say that! " The person snapped at the kid.

The person was sad because this was the first the person heard his voice after a long 2 years, and now when the person heard his voice his words & voice was harsh.

" Why? Why does it concern you? " His voice became harsher than before, and the person thought to give him some time so he could relax.

" Now where did you go? You were talking something? " The kid taunted the person.

" I am here! " The person said softly.

" Here? Here means where? I did everything you said, and you left me just like that even though you know that I am coming here after 2 years without meeting and talking with each other! Did you forget our promise or what? " The Kid asked the person as his voice cracked making the person to swim in guilt pool.

" Of course not, why would I forget that. " The person said as he / she stared at the empty space.

" Us against the world! " They both said a time. They both stayed silent for a minute as the memories started to hit them. They remembered the situation when they took the oath.

" How was your academy... "

They both chatted all night with a small smile adoring their little faces. Their ages were less than 16, but they saw the world which no child should see. They both witnessed the world as their demon taunted them.

But the demons in their little head never won because the person & the kid were together in this life. No one will separate them!

No one!


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My alarm clock blares, pulling me out of a deep sleep. I feel like I could stay in bed forever and never get up again. But I force myself to swing my legs over the side of the bed and sit up. I stared at the alarm clock for a moment, contemplating hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep. But I know I can't do that. I have to get up and face the long day.

I drag myself into the bathroom and turn on the shower, letting the water cascade over my body. I stood there for a long time, not even washing my body, just letting the water run over me. I feel like I could stand there forever and just let the world wash away.

Finally, I force myself to wash my body and get out of the shower. I dry off and look in the mirror, not really seeing my own reflection. I feel like I am looking at a stranger. I don't recognize the person looking back at me.

I looked away from the mirror and I go through the motions of getting dressed and doing my hair, not really caring as how I looked. I don't care about anything anymore. I just want to crawl back into bed and hide from the world.

Somone knocked on the door pulling me out of my trance.

Somone knocked on the door pulling me out of my trance

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