Zebed scoffed and glared.

''Fine. I was interested, okay?'' Rosh smiled at his answer.

''Interested? To what? That the duke's trash son have awakened dark power at this age? That the naive Rosh actually is intelligent and cunning behind? Or that li'l naive me actually have the guts to kill people without blinking an eye?''


''Good answer. But that's too bad, you won't be able to use that brain of yours.'' Rosh immediately said and raised his hand.

The Siltheur's emblem started to glow, ready to suck every single bit of Zebed's life force. However, the procedure was prevented by Amros.

With an irritated tone, Rosh spatted. ''Is this an act of rebellion, Amros?''

''Of course not, I wouldn't dare Master. But if I may voice out my opinion, isn't it better to make this brat a servant?''

''A servant? Him?'' Rosh looked at Zebed. Can he even be of use?

''This man, he's a 'talent', Master.''

Rosh's eye twitched at the news.

Amros didn't lie and Rosh knows that. There's no way he would do or say something that'll bring him disadvantages. That just meant that Zebed is a great talent.

An oh-so-powerful incstrile just acknowledged him after all.

'Great Mages'.

They aren't like what other people imagine such as old men with white beard and a staff. Great mages can be born in a random age. May it be a child, a teen, an adult or an old person.

These mages needed great talent to perfectly learn the scriptures from ancestral people who were once great mages for them to start performing magic arts. Little to no less than one in a thousand of civilians or normal mages could reach the stage of a great mage.

Great mages are magicians with not only high intelligence but also overflowing with mana.

''So you're one of the few people with possibilities or even already become a great mage from the fourth generation.'' The boy nodded in satisfaction.

'He'll be a good human shadow other than my literal dark shadows.'

''You're right, Amros, killing him will be a waste.'' Rosh stated.

Although he had Amros by his side, having another powerful servant behind isn't such a bad idea.

''Well, then..''

Amros heard Rosh's command in his head, he sneered.

Zebed furrowed his brows in confusion when Amros put his hands on his head. Then suddenly, a hellish pain zapped inside his soul.

''Aaaaack! Aa-arrgh! Eughk aah!! Ah ah AAHH!''

While Zebed was agonizing on the floor, Rosh signaled the dark shadow 'Grey'. The shadow instantly went back to his human appearance while a part of his shadows still held the three unconscious children.

''Grey, stand by, after this, we will return them to some places where the searching knights might be lurking. It'll be easier than giving them right out.'' Rosh said. Grey kneeled and stood there to wait like a statue.

The boy then glanced at the humanoid being beside him.

'Amros. Tell me his real identity.'

''His real name is 'Zebed Rual Hryde'. One of the five great mages of the continent, and the only neutral one without having any alliances to any kingdoms.''

'So he isn't just a talent but one of the most powerful humans living today.'


'Tsk, that peasant dared to lie to me, how cunning. But his second name, Rual? Why does that feel so familiar?'

''How familiar exactly, Master?''

'Very. His mana also felt familiar, as if I've met him somehow. That's odd.'

''Must be because you have.''


''You have met him, Master. Just jumble his second name and you'll know it.''

'Rual...Rual..Ru——no. Lua——''

His words cut off when he recalled a few months ago.

Rosh looked at the grunting Zebed on the floor. Deja vu. He reminds him of Sean Virsh somehow. Anyhow, this 'Zebed', he wasn't just spying on them because he was interested in him. He's..

''That's right, Master. That man..''

'What a surprise.'

''He is LUAR.''


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