Military problems (Ch.18)

Start from the beginning

Soldier: "You are under arrest by the American government for attacking soldiers on her home soil and-"

He heard the truck starting up again, and it was the moment I needed as I reached for the knife on my hip. Then thrust it into the man's throat, spinning around and grabbed the soldiers rifle. Yet, the remaining soldier kicked me back, but not before the gun was trained on him.

A single shot rang out from the barrel of the weapon, but it was enough as we both toppled to the floor, he was dead, and I wasn't. I coughed and held my shoulder, knowing already that I was bleeding out.

Lamar: "Boss!"

Y/N: "I'm alright... Lamar."

Grabbing a mound of dirt on the ground, I forced it into the wound and screamed, then used the gun as my crutch, forcing me to my feet. Looking up, I found Lamar running over to me, grabbing my arm and helped me to walk.

Lamar: "You're going to be OK."

Y/N: "Lamar, we need to hurry. They're going to be here soon."

Lamar placed me on the driver side and grabbed the explosives on his waist. All of the sticky bombs, he threw them across the Humvees as I pulled myself up to the driver's seat and put the trunk into first gear. Before I could put my foot on the gas, the radio on the driver's side was on.

"Soldier, what is going on!"

Lamar had just leapt into the passenger's side, kicking out the glass for me to see. In comparison, I reached out for the speaker.

Y/N: "Shots have been fired, sir. Casualties. But insurgents are pushed back... Moving to RedZone."

Glancing over to Lamar, I started driving the truck out of the little mess we had caused. With Mai speaking over the communicator.

Mai: "You need to get out of there. They're getting the jets ready. "

Y/N: "Good thing we have masks on."

"Who is this!"

Screamed the radio army radio and groaned. Then saw the soldiers rank and badge number on my seat then spoke up.

"This is Lieutenant Joshua Brown of the military squadron. Been shot, sir... Requesting... Back up."

Lamar pulled out the radio, and I smiled at the man, knowing what I wanted to do. Finally, away from the pile-up of cars, Lamar pressed a button, and I watched the carnage take over.

Mai: "We're good. We've got maybe ten minutes before they figure out where you are."

Y/N: "Doesn't help."

I stated as pulling the wheel to the far right and went on the dirt path. Again, forcing the trunk to go as fast as possible while the dirt road becomes thinner and thinner by the second.

Lamar: "Three minutes left."

Y/N: "I know; I know...."

We came to the pass, and I groaned as I forced the truck off the road and onto the hill. The wheels screeched, and Lamar looked at me, not sure what to say as we climbed up the mountain.

Lamar: "You can't be serious; we're going to fall!"

I didn't dare look to Lamar's side, I could already tell that the truck was skidding down the mountain, but the speed was still there but was being lost with every second longer that we spent on this road. But a paved highway was coming up, and when the truck finally went onto the street.

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