Is That Fate Or Is A Coincidences? - Chapter 2_Alternate Ending1

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The first alternate ending. This one is the super fluffy "express lane" ending


"Do you know what time it is?" She snapped at the receiver - irritated by the endless buzzing. She was grateful that her father was a deep sleeper.

"Do you know what you've done?"

Wendy frowned. "SuA?" Her eyes opened a bit wider.

"Yes. Open up!"

"My father's home," SuA lowered her voice.

"Then get your butt down here. Now!"

Wendy had never heard SuA use that tone on her. It felt unfamiliar and it worried her but she was tired and sleepy. "Can't it wait until tomorrow? It's midnight."


Wendy pulled the receiver away from her ear by reflex. SuA's voice rang in her ear. She sighed and moved to her room to change.

Wendy stepped out of the elevator to see SuA standing in front of the glass door - glaring at her.

SuA opened the door. "Why are you here?"

"What did you do?" Seulgi stepped out from behind the unmoving SuA.

Wendy was surprised to see her other friend. "You're here too?"

"What did you do?" Seulgi repeated her question in a flat tone - a tone Wendy recognized as Seulgi's angry tone.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. I hate people who play dumb," Seulgi harshly said. "What did you do to Irene?" She was gritting her teeth now.

"Irene? What? Nothing! I did nothing to her!" Wendy was totally lost now. "What happened to her?" And worried.

SuA grabbed Wendy and pulled her towards the parked car. "You're coming with us."

"W-wha... Yah!" Wendy tried to break free. "Where are you taking me?"

"To fix your mess!" SuA's voice echoed in the silence of the apartment complex. "Have you ever seen someone dear to you - someone you know is usually strong and composed - reduced to nothing but silent tears? Sitting all quiet in a dark corner, hugging her knees and not making a sound or a single movement all day? Because that's what you've done to my best friend. And I want you to fix it!" She pointed her finger at Wendy's face. "Now!"

Wendy was speechless as she let SuA drag her into Seulgi's car. Wendy wanted to explain to her friends but seeing how pissed they were at her, she knew it was better to just stay silent.

"Are you sure we're even allowed here at this hour?" Wendy whispered as she tried to wriggle her way out of the strong hold on her arms.

Neither friend answered. They quietly made their way up the stairs.

The two finally let go - depositing her in front of Irene's dorm room door.

Seulgi and SuA took a step back but didn't leave.

Wendy knocked softly on the door. "I-irene?"

No answer.

Wendy turned to look at Seulgi who only tilted her head.

Sighing, Wendy pressed the door handle slowly and pushed the door open. "Irene?"

The room was dark.

It took her eyes a while to adjust and when they did, all she saw was a figure curled up in a blanket, sitting at one corner of the bed against the wall.

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