“Okay. Glove compartment.”

“What?” He asked, clearly confused by what I meant. He must have forgotten.

“The key to my house, it's in your glove compartment. I've told you a billion times.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks I guess.”

“Yea. Well I'll see you then?”

“Yea. Bye.”

A few moments later, I faintly heard the front door open and close, and footsteps begin up the stairs. I moved over in my bed, to make room for him, then I heard a different door open and close. He wasn't coming in here.

(Xander's POV)

I woke up to my alarm around 7, on the floor of my room at Andy's house. I had slept on the floor because Nick was in my bed, Asher was on my bean bag, and Noah was on my closet floor (why he was there, I may never know). The closets mostly empty, all my stuff is in Andy's, so I guess it's like the guest room they don't actually have.

I went home to shower and change, I could've stayed there, I knew that. But that would have required going into Andy's closet to get my clothes, which required going into her room, which required seeing her, and I just couldn't do that right now.

I'm not upset she got a date to the dance, I'm genuinely happy she got a date. But Lucas? I don't trust him. She knows that. Originally, I was only mad at him, upset that Cole missed his chance. That's what the whole squirrel thing was, Cole was going to ask her. But then, she told me my opinion didn't matter to her, and that hurt more than I ever could've guessed it would. Her opinion means the world to me, the universe, actually even more than that.

After I got dressed, I went downstairs to find my mom making breakfast, which was weird for #2 reasons.

Reason #1: My mother only EVER has a bagel for breakfast. Like every single morning she has the same thing.

Reason #2: My dad doesn't eat breakfast, he never has.

So, I couldn't help but wonder, who was the breakfast for?

“Mom...” I say suspiciously, walking into the kitchen.

She turns around, a look of shock on her face, “Xander! I didn't even know you were here. I wasn't expecting you to be here. How long have you been here? Is Andy here?”

“Woah, calm down Sherlock. I just came home to change, I forgot my key last night so I went back to the Jones'.”

She gave me a weird look, then sat down at the island. “So what happened?”


“Between you and Andy? What's the deal?”

“How'd you know?” I ask, sitting across from her.

“You said you forgot your key last night, meaning you actually came home, and then you called Andy's house the Jones', instead of Andy's. Also, you came home to change. When more of your clothes are there than they are here.

“Andy's going to Homecoming with Lucas, and she said my opinion didn't matter to her. Lucas of all people! And my opinion doesn't matter? Since when, because last time I checked I was actually important to her! Her opinion is the most important to me! No offense mom, but you know how it is. But seriously, Lucas! Lucas! Just no, just absolutely no! She can't go with him. And get this one mom, she actually likes him!”

“She likes her Homecoming date? No way!”


She laughs, “Honey, calm down. You guys will work this out. You always do. Your opinion matters to her, you were both probably just being stubborn, as you always are. And what's wrong with Lucas? From what she told me, he sounds like a nice young man, handsome too.”

“From what she told you? What does that mean?”

“Well, just that I was talking to her, and she mentioned a certain new blonde boy.”

“This is ridiculous, you're siding with her! I'm going to talk to my other mother! The one who actually loves me!”

She laughs again as I walk out the door, and I realize half way to Andy's house, I never figured out who the breakfast was for.

(Andy's POV)

“You wanna talk about it?” Noah asked as he walked into my room. I had woken up about an hour ago, and I'd just been laying here listening to music.

“Talk about what?” I asked dryly.

He paused the music, “Xander?”

“What about him?”

“Well number one, he went home last night, and number two, when he came back he slept in the guest room with us. Then he left again in the morning.” He explained his concern and I frowned.

“It's not a guest room. It's Xander's room.”

“Okay, he slept with us in his room.” He corrected himself. “Which is just as weird. So what happened?”

“I'm a despicable person is what happened.”

He laughed. “You are not despicable.”

“You don't even know what happened.” I sighed.

“I know you though. And Xander is your bestfriend. More than that, he's like your brother. You're best friend twin brother that you're conjoined at the head with.” I laughed at that. I suppose in some ways, Xander is like a twin brother to me, a best friend twin brother. He laughed two, and then started speaking again. “Or you know, conjoined at the hands, you guys hold hands like, a lot. Like a lot, a lot.”

I scoffed, “We do not!”

“You do so.”





“No!” I yelled and started beating him with a pillow. “No. No. No. No. We're just friends. Noting more.” I argued.

“Okay! Okay!” He yelled back, shielding his face with his arms. “And I never said you were, you brought that up all on your own.”

 Hello dear readers, here's Chapter 20, and also a new cover?!? Yup, as much as I loved the old cover, the words were hard to see, and I wanted something a little more clean cut. So, on the cover, both of them are blonde, and in the book they're both bruntettes, and they still are, I just really loved this cover. 

So I have some huge news! 

I have a website! I highly encourage you to check it out, because there's a special project that I need you help with. So please go check that out! www.darlingbluebirdbooks.com

I love you all <3

Keep smiling :D

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