Chapter 13

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Hey the video on top probaly explains alot of the magic aspect of this Universe. Well the storyline is obviously different than the one in the video but I was heavy inspirated by it so enjoy!


"Will Dragon Puffs be joining us today?", France asked as she poured herself some tea.

UK shurged and look back at Wales who was watching them. Wales exchanged a puzzled look but then sat at the table unaware that the tea was made by the PLANT. (Dun dun daa)

"Oh he will but you know what I am wondering?" ,France said in excitement.

UK just stared into the embiss of France's eyes with a questioning look.

"Will he be in proper attire!?", France said mimicking England.

"He shall", Wales said being fancy and fixing his posture.

UK just nodded and got up to get Wales an outfit. His father once said that some of his clothes were hand me downs by his older brother ,America. UK doesn't buy it though. These are way too small to ever have fitted America plus when did America wear these types of outfits? UK walked back with outfit in hand and handed it to Wales.

"Do I change in the closet again?", Wales asked, standing up.

UK nodded as he sat back down. He picked up his tea and began drinking it. This was his all time favorite tea.

A large slammed could be heard as Wales finally close the door after struggling to. France just looked at her friend , who was drinking his drink scoficatedly. "So how's your dad?", France asked UK.

UK gave them a thumbs up.

"Come to think of it I never heard you speak", France started. She took another zip of her drink. "Does your voice just not work or something", France asked.

UK just stared for moment and then got up. He imediently went to his desk where he stored his markers , pencils, and paper. He grabbed 2 sheets of paper and a pencil. He then sat back down and placed the papers on the table. He imediently began writing what he wanted to say and then after all was done, he handed the note to France.

"Fatber says that my voice doesn't work like normal people and that their voices come easily for them while mine is a puff of wind", the note read.

"Oh...well doesn't matter. We lasted this long...Wanna get married?", France asked all causely. (Anyone had that elementary gf that was more of a best friend?)

UK just stared he was a bit confused. "Father says that I am not allowed to be married until he finds me a line of brides , and he is not going to get me a line of brides until -", UK was mid writing until he heard a knock on the door. The room went cold. Both him and France stared at the door in fear. Who could it be?


There it was again. This time Wales came out of the closet and took a step in front of the kids both fist crushed up teeth on full display but mouth shut. (Is snarling the word for this action?)


Another knock was heard and Wales's eyes sharpened. A low growl now filling the room. UK just stared at the door while France covered him. Why did he feel so scared?

The door knob rattled and creaking could be heard as the door opened but no one was on the other side. Wales slowly opened his mouth and a louder growl filled the room. It was apparent that this was not UK's father or their brother playing a trick on him.

-thud thud thud -

Footsteps could be heard from above. In a blink of am eye a tall armored solider appeared standing in the door way. His strange outfit didn't match any of the guards or anyone going into battle, but UK could tell it was old armor due to the rust. But, wouldn't someone change their armor if it got that bad? Before UK could ponder in fear further the door shut closed. Everyone in the room dumb founded.

"Vou vaw that too?", France asked their accent showing.

UK nodded slowly. 

"Wales did vou zee that", France asked Wales.  Wales gave no response just staring at the door as if the person was going to come back.

UK walked up to Wales and tapped him on the shoulder.  Wales took a glance back at UK and then look back at the door.  The knobed turned once more and the door creaked open.  Wales took no chances and leaped towards whoever was there. 

The man grunted as he blocked Wales from trying to bite his face off.  "Calm down Wales", America said pushing the dragon person off and standing upright. 

UK imediently tackled the countries legs.  "I missed you too bud", America said playing with the countries hair brotherly.

"that was not funny", France muttered.

"What was not funny?", America asked geniuly confused.

"You scared us half ro death", Wales said getting up from the floor. UK released his  hug and went to the table.

"Okay What are you guys talking about?", America questioned the group.

"Hey America.  I didn't know you were dropping by", one of the maids said excitly walking up to America hold laundry.

"Well I was meaning to talk to my father about some new taxes", America said with his iconic smile.

"Oh he is in his office if you want to go see him", The maid said.

"Yes hold that thought", America said to the maid.  He turned around to the group and said ," Be right back and we'll talk about this later ".  Before they could respond America walked off talking to the maid.

"Where is America's attention when you need it"  France mumbled looking back at UK.  "What's you drawing?", France asked a but disappointed that they couldn't catch America red handed. UK showed her the drawing of the the strange man at the doorway.

"Oh wow you have a good memory and you're an artist ", France said examining the picture.  UK smiled at the remark.

"I swear if this is one of the guards I  will bute their head off", Wales commented out of the blue glancing every so often at the doorway.

"Come on that will be no fun", France said. She walked up to Wales. "We'll take their kneecaps instead ", France continued.

UK stepped infornt of them and shook his head.  "Come on!.. party pooper", France mumbled.

"No he's right we can't just bash in a guards head.  I am already on thin ice with Scotland as it is", Wales said.

"Thin ice?", France asked.

"Yeah it is what people been saying when a person is tolerating you.  I think America taught me the saying or something ",  Wales said.

"He is werid", France said.  UK gave her a glance.  "Sorry I can't help but being honest", France said to the angry child.


Happy Halloween
This is the cannon Halloween chapter
Hopefully later on I will make a noncannon Halloween chapter.

Thank you for reading

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