Confessions, Lies, Second Chances- Chapter 10

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"You heard me.  I'm selling ya", Scotland said again this time with more clarity.  As luck would have it , alot of people would want this certain land mass.  Not only was it next to England but was also known to have tremendous amounts of  luck. (Sorry Irish people out there I couldn't resist)  Of course it mostly was all myth and rumors but there is some truth to that. 

"But we had a deal!", Ireland yelled put struggling against the guards.  This was like some elaborate nightmare.

"No, the deal was that your brother gets immunity.  I never said that you were secure, but don't worry I'm fair man.  I will take him to see you once a full moon.  How's that sound?", Scotland taunted Ireland.

"You're sick", Ireland said no longer struggling.  He tried to think of ways to coaz Scotland out of selling him. This taske would be extremely difficult because. once Scotland, made his mind it was hard to convince him otherwise even if the idea itself was tremendously stupid
"No I'm Scotland", Scotland joked around.  This was usually how he ran his part of his kingdom.  Ever since the vikings Scotland at all to well tighten up lose ends and prepared for the worse. 

"Please....givmmeanotherchance", Ireland mumbled the only he thought could get to Scotland.  He is not one to beg but even he knows when to surrender.  This battle was lost.

"I am sorry what?", Scotland asked geniuly not understand the other.

"Give me another chance...please", Ireland said looking at the floor.  He knew it probably would never work but still it was worth a chance.  He wish he could have more time to plan and find everything out better.

Scotland just stared as flashes from the past flooded his eyes. "I ain't the old the koot", He muttered to himself looking at Ireland again.
He didn't know how to respond if to respond at all.  If he wavered now, it may open a door for others to try to slip through.  Others to take advantage of, but his concession would kill him if he went through with it.  

"Listen you have been one pain in the ass, but luckily for you I know what's it like to care for someone deeply, but head my warning boy.  If I catch you escaping next time, I won't be selling ya", Scotland said standing fully up not knowing whether he made the right choice or not.  "Mend to his needs", Scotland said as he strided away.  He gave this slave a second chance.

"You are a pain in the ass too", Ireland wheezed out in pain.  He didn't believe it would work, but yet it somehow did.  Maybe he was lucky afterall?  The sound of the shackles brought back into reality.  He wasn't lucky infact he was the opposite...unlucky.

"I know I aimed to be", Scotland said back to him looking back for a bit after hearing the comment.  He wasn't going to get on Ireland's case for the disrespect.  It has been a very stressful day for him, and alot was on his mind.  He just hopes that this would give anyone ideas.

Ireland on the other hand hoped to use this to the fullest.  He wanted his freedom and he wanted it fast.

(With England)

"Did you like your dinner?", England asked America as he neatly wipe himself with the napkin.

"Yes, it was....good", America said after eating one of the "best stews in the world". 

"I am glad to hear that. . . Hey is UK ready?", England said to one of the maids passing by.

"Yes the UK had been fed and bathe.  He is currently being taken care for in the maids quarters until master America is ready ", they responded back before walking away to whatever they were doing before hand.

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