The outside of the diner had white siding and a chrome finish on the ceiling. When you walked in, the roof was covered in mirrors and all the tabletops were red with Chrome finishings and cracked red leather benches. Of course, there was a vintage counter at the front where a waitress in a red and white striped uniform took the order of some trucker.

I could tell I was going to be a regular here, just by walking through the door.

"Hey Jax, haven't seen you in a long time, honey!" A waitress with blonde hair and a southern accent called. Jax winked at the lady over the counter and smiled his charming smile.

"I've been busy." He gestured over to me and I waved uncomfortably. The waitress grinned and wiped her hands on her apron before walking around the table top of the little bar and extended her hand towards me.

"What's your name, Sugar?" She asked, as I fit my hand into hers and gave it a good shake.

"Willow. But everyone calls me Will." I said. The lady smiled.

"I'm Anabelle, but you can call me Ann." She said. I nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Ann." I replied. She released my hand and turned back to Jax.

"Now you, Mister, are in heaps of trouble. You haven't stopped by to visit in weeks! If I was your mama, I'd have told you to go pick your switch!" (switch, for those of you that don't know, is a southern/Older term for whooping stick. My grandma gladys would always tell my dad, even as a full grown man, to go pick his switch so she could spank him. Just an FYI) Ann said.

I could tell Jax wanted to laugh but he hid it well.

"I'm sorry Ann, but Will has been keeping me busy." He turned the blame on me and I raised my hands in surrender.

"Um, no. Sorry Ann, I haven't seen him in a few days." I replied. Jax sent me a playful glare and Ann propped her hands on her hips.

"Jaxson, I'm cutting you off of your strawberry milkshakes for lying and not visiting." She nodded and went back to the kitchen. I just smiled and chuckled.

Jax rolled his eyes.

"She likes to think she's my mother." He laughed. I smiled, happy to see him so carefree. He led me over to a table in the corner and we talked for the whole hour lunch, the occasional interupption from Ann who would bring by our food or just check in on us.

I thought it was rather funny.

After Jax dropped me off at the school and I watched him leave on his Indian, I felt kind of reserved. Unlike the bubbly happy girl when I was away from all my problems and with Jax.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned, seeing the last person on the face of this planet that I wanted to talk to.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Ben asked, jealousy lining his voice. I sighed.

"No. He's just a friend. But what does it matter to you? You lost all right to care when you left me in the desert!" I spat. I was angry now, and frustrated. And just really, really tired of my entire life being flipped upside down. I was tired of Ben.

Ben remained impassive.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" I asked, crossing my arms. Ben scratched the back of his neck and looked up at me.

"I came looking for you. I want you back, Will." He said. I snorted, although it wasn't lady like, it would be a long time before I ever believed Ben again.

"No. It's not going to happen, Ben. Whatever we had, is over. Actually, it ended right before it began. I don't want to be around you anymore." I said. Ben looked a little hurt, but it was the truth.

I was tired of being pushed and shoved and pulled in every direction. I was tired of the hot and cold relationship we had. I was sick of everything he ever put me through.

All in all, I was just finished.

"Is there anything I can say to make you feel differently?" He asked, stepping into my personal space.

"How about that for the last six months, you're all I can think about. Or what about that I quit dealing drugs because I knew you would never come back to me if I did? Maybe even, that I loved you, and I still do, even though I had an odd way of showing it. I was stupid, Will. I let the one thing that couldn't be bought or disposable get away from me. You. I'm sorry, and this is me begging you to take me back." He said, desperation filling his eyes.

I almost believed him.


Sure, some of the things he said hit me where it hurt the most, but I didn't need Ben, or Jax, or Evan, or anyone really to be myself. I didn't need them, I've finally moved on and changed for the better.

It's funny how Ben's confession of his undying love to me made me realize that.

I wanted to laugh, and dance, and just do the most reckless thing I could at the moment. But I was afraid I'd have to repeat all this all over again.

And then, it just wasn't worth my energy anymore.

"No. Ben. Just go home. Get a real job, find a nice girl that doesn't think you're a douche, and get on with your pathetic life. I'm done being a part of it." I said.

I turned on my heel and went back into the school. I was ten minutes late for my next period class, but I wasn't complaining. I felt so different.

I don't know where Ben had gone, after I sat down next to Evan in History. But I didn't care anymore.

And I think that made me feel different.


A/N AHHHH! Hey guys! It's been a while, huh? I've had the worst week, you have no idea.

I went to go take my SATs on Saturday, and got lost at the campus. Plus, I was late. Then I got some help from these joggers going by, and ended up having to run to the correct building, they went with me and told me to run. UGH. I hate running. Then, I walked into the wrong room, and when someone helped me, I was on the wrong side of the building, and by that point, I was 45 minutes late! Then I took a five hour test, and ended up applying for a job at Sonic while I was with my dad. Then the rest of my week went downhill from there. I won't get into details, but it has SUCKED.

Anyway, I'm back. The song on the side helped me get through my week, and I think it helps Willow's situation a little. haha!

Well, thanks for reading!

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Lotsa Love,


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