The memory made his heart beat at a rapid pace, the mere thought of that day always sent him into a flurry of emotions, typically one's that sent him into a dopamine high, and yet here he lay tears strolling down his cheeks. Despite his dehydration the mere thought of never seeing Alfred was enough to force his body to compensate, the pain was agonizing a hole torn where his heart should have been, pulsating and empty as a well with no water sitting at it's bottom. That smile he had grown so accustomed too, sky blue eyes lighting up when he noticed the other, how paintings could never capture his beauty, and the sun acting as a fraud, merely an imitation around him. His body shook, heart-wrenching sobs leaving as his head hit the wall, unable to conceal the sounds that left his mouth. More than anything, he wanted to be at the other's end, to hold his hand one more time surrounded by his warmth and despite the night that shrouded them Alfred still managing to light up a room with his mere presence.

     For the other, it had been quite a marvelous show, watching the other fiddle with his wedding band before breaking in half, covering his face with his hands to repress any sound. Oh, how easy this was to witness and the joy was never ending, hearing each sound made his heart light up.

     Taking his time to reach the cell he slumped against the wall, hearing how the other was now calming down. How lovely it would be for him to become the cause of the others pain, to know he was the one to set the other into such a state. It always starts with the physical health, then it leads to mental until they snap, "Oh, dear Queen of Spades~" He sung.

     Arthur bit his tongue at the other's voice, taking a breathe he collected himself, "Whatever you desire believe me, I won't give into your tricks."

     Silence didn't last long before he heard the other's voice, "Oh, tricks? No, no, I came to relay information!"

     Dread filled every crevice of his mind, no, it's not possible, "Clearly information I have no use of." Arthur spat back, having to take a breath to contain any obvious noise of his state.

     "I do believe you'll love to hear this!"

     "Highly doubt it. What it is you vermin? ransom."

     The laugh echoed through, Arthur's headache increasing along with the sickening feeling, "My dear King is edging closer into my territory."

      At first his mind refused to comprehend what the other had meant, hadn't there been some sort-of confirmation that the other didn't have a King? Then he realized, the acid in his stomach bubbling and the urgency to vomit apparent. His eye's stung, "No-" He choked on his own voice, words disobeying him.

      "Oh yes! How I can't await for when my beloved arrives." He cheered, exiting the room as it was filled with a broken scream from Arthur, who had long forgotten about the broken ribs, taken over with pure rage and misery, yelling curses and apologies until they would die down an hour later, when his body would fail him, leaving him clutching onto his wedding ring and silently weeping, having torn his own voice to shreds.

. . .

      If there was one emotion Alfred hadn't expected to feel through this entire journey it was sheer agitation, currently seated at a table with Francis who must have smoked more than his body could handle based off his apparel, Ivan laying asleep. If Arthur would have been placed into such a moment, he could see the other threatening to rip the Diamond King's windpipe out, smashing all of his toes before waltzing off. Alas, he was not Arthur, therefore having to contain his anger despite the way his hands flexed each time the other would break out into a random spew.

      Taking to his feet he pulled out from the chair, "If you're not going to be any help in finding my Queen then I'm leaving!"

     Silence sunk around him now, the other's purple eye's widening, "You mean the Queen?"

     Swinging on his heel he cocked his head to the side, "No! My parrot." He deadpanned in the most sarcastic fashion he could muster, never letting emotion slide onto his face, "Yes, I'm talking about my Queen." He said, clasping onto his left hand to show off his own wedding band for a quick second, "I wouldn't have wasted my time had I of not hoped for an answer. You could have told me you knew nothing rather than stalling-" His outburst was cut short but the other cutting in.

     "Follow until the peak of your fears." He spoke, his voice slightly breaking.

      His brows furrowed as he displayed pure confusion, "What does that even mean? Oh- you know what: forget it!" With that he left the other, past the hedges and back down the road.

      This was leading him nowhere, every path a different way with no comfort in a clearing distance. There was no chance of giving in, yet here he was on the verge of breaking. This all felt hopeless, was he walking circles or drifting off into madness.

      "What causes you to be so distraught? The knowledge you'll never reach while on both your feet?"

      Looking up from his hands he wiped a few tears away, seeing Feliciano once more. Far too astounded to speak as he looked up to the other, who quirked his head to the side and gave off that oh so innocent smile to Alfred. Laying back he hung from the branch by only his calves, "I would go left if the Queen is who you seek."

      Before Alfred could utter a single word the other disappeared, "I could've sworn he was still in the ICU." Was all he managed to mutter before considering the other's words. Well, at the very least they were directions, unlike the unhelpful advice Francis had passed down. Pulling out Arthur's gloves once move he nodded, kissing his own wedding ring.

     "I'm on my way." Looking over his shoulder he noticed nothing out of the ordinary, just the same trees he had been walking in for far too long, taking a breath, breaking off into a sprint down the left path.

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