Tommy slowly nodded, holding up the dress against his body. 

It was floor length. 

It was white.

He would look like a ghost.


Tommy thanked Niki, and she led him into her bathroom, to hopefully get changed.

Tommy threw the dress on, and looked at himself in the mirror.

He looked around even though he knew he was in an empty room, just to make sure no one was watching, before twirling.


It definitely was a thing.

Tommy walked out of the bathroom with a grin. 

"All I need is a tiara and I would look so cool," he said, matter-of-factly. 

Niki snorted, before ruffling Tommy's hair. "You definitely look great Tommy!"

"I know. I always look great," Tommy bragged, before taking a step and tripping on the dress.

He totally did not fall flat on his face, because he is definitely super coordinated and cool.

"Are you okay?" Niki rushed to help him up, fretting over him like a mother would. 

It made Tommy think of Dream.

Oh well. The faster Tommy finishes his task, the faster he's out of here and can go home.

It would be a shame to leave Niki, but I guess he would have to make do.

Tommy thanked Niki, before leaving her quarters with a promise to be back soon.

He totally did not trip on his dress as he made his way back to his room again.

Tommy murmured a string of swears under his breath, pushing himself up.


Tommy's head snapped up in shock, stepping backwards and tripping again.

Maybe dresses weren't his thing.

The man who scared him offered Tommy a hand, and when Tommy looked up to make eye contact, he saw Wilbur.

He stood there awkwardly, a hand out to help Tommy up. 

Tommy begrudgingly took it, lifting his dress.

Wilbur held back a small laugh once Tommy stood up fully, and dusted himself off.

"Nice dress," he noted, and Tommy glared.

"It is a nice dress, thank you very much. I think it rather suits me."

Wilbur nodded in amusement. "Says the kid who fell two times in a span of three seconds."

Tommy's eyes widened in false betrayal. "I know you did not just say that. I am graceful and you are a prick."

Wilbur actually laughed this time, and Tommy gave a small smile. "You know, if you needed extra clothes, you could have come to me and not Niki."

Tommy's face dropped, and he discreetly stepped back. "You were literally threatening to kill my entire family yesterday."

Wilbur rolled his eyes, waving a dismissive hand. "Ah yes, apologies for getting off on the wrong foot. I was in a bad mood yesterday." Wilbur shrugged, before continuing. "But to be fair, it was merely self-defense."

Tommy gaped, before shutting his mouth.

He could not, for the life of him, figure out Wilbur.

Was he always this two-faced?

Or maybe it was his fault they got off to a bad start.

Tommy swallowed, nodding. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry, yeah you're right. It was my fault we got off to a bad start."

Wilbur's grin widened. "I forgive you, don't you worry. As long as you keep up your end of the deal! Now, I'm sure I could loan you something to wear, that you won't constantly fall over in."

Wilbur motioned for him to follow, and Tommy lifted the ends of the dress, following Wilbur through the hallways.

It only took a couple of minutes to arrive at Wilbur's room, and change into one of his sweaters and trousers.

The sweater's sleeves kept rolling past Tommy's fingers, no matter his attempts to roll them up.

"I look five. The dress was better," Tommy deadpanned, glaring at his reflection.

Wilbur chuckled, patting Tommy's shoulder. "You look like big brother Wilby now, Tommy. Aren't you glad? We can match now!" Wilbur's voice was laced with pure joy and excitement, and Tommy could only nod.

"You... um.. you know that like, we- like...?" Tommy wasn't sure how to phrase the fact that he didn't consider Wilbur a brother anymore, without sounding like a complete asshole.

"That we what?" Wilbur looked at him with confusion, and hidden sadness, but mainly innocence and adoration. Tommy swallowed back his thought, shaking his head rapidly.

"Nevermind, yeah. I look like you now." 

Wilbur's smile grew impossibly wider, and he wrapped Tommy in a hug. 

"Oh, Tommy. I missed you so much, you know?"

Tommy was taken off guard, standing stiff in the hug. 

Wilbur continued, even without a response. "When you ran, I was stupidly mad that I had to become king, that I didn't even bother missing you. Then I heard you were found dead, and my heart broke. I regretted everything, and I wish I did more for you, you know?"

Tommy held his breath. 

Over the years, he'd just pushed the loneliness back to the point where he wasn't affected by it. 

But he didn't realize how much he had wanted to hear an apology until now.

"I wish I didn't treat you like you didn't exist, and I wish we never grew apart. You were such an amazing kid you know? So much potential, so energetic, so happy. Great at composing music too..." 

Wilbur trailed off, and both of them knew exactly why.

"Tommy..." Wilbur started, but Tommy just shook his head.

"Don't worry. That song doesn't have any sentimental value to me anymore."

And Tommy wasn't exactly lying. The only reason he cared about that one disc Wilbur stole was because it was the only time Phil had ever shown any love to Tommy, but after the academy, he realized he didn't care anymore. He realized Phil's words meant nothing to him anymore.

Wilbur hugged Tommy impossibly tighter, and Tommy slightly softened into the hug.

"You don't know how sorry I am. I'm glad you came to visit. Maybe we can become best brothers forever again, like when we were kids," Wilbur begged. "Before you leave, at least."

Tommy smiled guiltily into Wilbur's chest. 

This Wilbur was different than the Wilbur he'd seen yesterday, and this Wilbur made him have some hope.

"Maybe, Wil. Maybe."

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

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