45. I love you

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"Chim... How can you do this??" Jin was sulking in front of Tae and Jimin saying they arranged the same room knowingly.

"I'm sorry Jin-ah...you know you came late and we had so many guests...and we don't have extra rooms too...please adjust it, baby...just for two days," Tae said ruffling his hair making Jin even more pout.

"Anyway.. I'll go and sleep now" he bid goodbye and walked towards his shared room.
Tae and Jimin were giggling after his exit. They were just hoping that everything becomes fine between Jin and Jk.

Jin took small steps towards his room, he was not ready for this moment. Just imagining Jungkook and him in the same room is giving me chills. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. To his surprise, the door was not locked so he slowly enters the room after closing the door behind him.

"Shit! Shit!!" He cursed seeing shirtless Jungkook standing at the balcony.

He turned to leave the place but then he changed his mind "I'm not affected by him" he said to himself while shrugging his shoulders. And walked towards the bathroom.


When he came out from the bathroom Jungkook was sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone.

Jin averted his gaze and walked to the other side of the bed. Keeping the pillow between them he laid on the bed. He was taking side looks towards Jk and then scooted to the bed edge.

Jk smiled shaking his head as he slid down next to Jin. Jin jerked a little to make space between them but there is no space left between them. Jk threw the pillow other side and pulled Jin by his waist.

Jin gasped at the sudden pull but he composed himself and tried to move away from Jungkook but Jk was determined with his action. So he pulled him even close, but Jin was wiggling so much.

"You don't leave any choice baby!!" With that he made Jin lay down on his back and hovered above him.

"Leave me Jungkook!!" Jin hissed but his words were cut off by Jk's smooth lips. Jin tried not to kiss back but feeling those honey lips after so many years made him lose his ego.

In the blink of an eye, he was kissing Jk back with full passion. Jungkook smiled through the kiss and dipped his tongue inside Jin's mouth.

"Shhh...mph..." They were moaning through the kiss.

Jungkook broke the kiss and looked at Jin "I missed you" he said sincerely.

Jin turned his face to another side, "I want to sleep"

jk left a sign and buried his face in Jin's crook of the neck. Jin's hands were urging to hug him but he stopped himself and clutched the bedsheet tightly.

Jk hugged Jin's waist and sleep like that, "get up!! You pig" Jin hissed while trying to move Jk's body. But Jk was all giggling.

He lift his head and pecked Jin's lips.
"I love you"

Jin's eyes widen "I....i...wa-want to sleep" Jin shutters.

Jk smirked as he traced his index finger along Jin's cheek up to his plump lips.

"I said I love you...and I want your answer" Jungkook said pinching Jin's lips lightly.


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