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Tae: "I always observed you from day one so I know everything, now write down assignment"

Jin: "Okay" he whispered

Tae: "and one more thing, I want a favor from you too"

Jin: "???"

Tae: "I want you to introduce Jimin to me" this time Jin's turn to laugh

Jin: "so that's why you helped me, ha?"

Tae: "yes, fair enough isn't it, now your turn" Jin agreed to their condition.

after some days as agreed Jin introduced Tae to Jimin Surprisingly the meeting went well even they exchanged their number too

now it's Tae's time to introduce Jin to Jungkook.

Tae, Jungkook, and his friends were in the college ground Chit chanting then Tae sent a message to Jin to come to the college ground.

Jin and Jimin Bunked their class and went to the ground and they saw Tae waving his hands from far and goes in that direction.

There Jin saw Jungkook, his eyes never left Jungkook even when Tae introduced his friends to Jin and Jimin.

Jungkook: "Hi I am Jungkook"

Then Jungkook stretched his hand to jin for shake hand and introduced himself, after that Jungkook tries to free his hand but Jin still holding his hands, then Jimin elbowed Jin slightly

Jin: "Oh I am sorry Hyung, Hi I am Jin, Kim Seokjin" Jungkook smiled at his action then went to his class.

Jin was really happy to finally meet his "love of life"

In class,

Jin was not writing anything that lecture was dictating, just staring at his hand smilingly.

Jimin: "Jin why are you not writing anything?" he whispered taking Jin's attention.

Jin: "Oh... that Didn't you saw Jungkook Hyung gave a handshake to me, to this hand," he said smilingly showing his right hand.

Jimin: "What to do with that?"

Jin: "I don't want to lose his touch by touching something" Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes and smacked Jin's head causing Jin to whine loudly.

Jimin: "Stop being dramatic and write down you idiot," said annoyingly.

Then Jin started to take down the notes but not before kissing his hand. Jimin rolled his eyes again but Jin sticks out his tongue playfully.


Days passed but Jungkook and Jin's conversation didn't go as expected. It's always either greetings or casual talks while spending their time with friends. The younger tried his best to talk to the older but always the conversation ends up with a Jungkook's short answer.

Jin is beyond pissed off, he is trying his best to talk with the elder but it seems like he is avoiding the younger purposefully. So Jin decided to go on in his way to get the elder's attention.


After some days,

Today is an intercollege fest in Jin's college,

there are so many gaming stalls on the college ground. Jin and his friends organized a ''treasure hunt'' game, in that game students will participate with their 4 members team and they have found out the treasure place with the help of hints which are linked to each other.

The game was going very well until Jin and other college student get into a fight.

Jin was hitting and punching the other student furiously until his eyes met a Jungkook's figure approaching him.

Suddenly Jin fell on the ground with the other student hovering over him, the other student got confused by his action than try to punch him but before he could punch..................

there was a roar....................

he flinched and turned around to see who is that their, his eyes met with a very angry Jungkook and he suddenly sides out from Jin.

Jungkook helped Jin to stand up and approached the other guy.

JK: "How dare you touch OUR college student, do you know whose college is this?" asked angrily by pulling the other by his collar.

unknown: "I-I am sorry sunbae nim," he told hanging his head low, knowing who is Jungkook. His anger doubled when he heard a small sobbing from Jin.

JK: "If you don't want to regret your action, ask Sorry to Jin this INSTANT," he said pulling him closer.

unknown: "s-s-Rory J-Jin" JK let go of him and dragged Jin with him but he missed that mischievous smile and wink of Jin towards other student.

Then he brought Jin to his stall where they organized a food festival. Then they both ordered something to eat sat near the stall which belongs to the organizers.

JK: "Why were you punching that guy? don't tell me you didn't, I saw everything, why were you cheating in the game?" asked with a serious face. Jin spits out his food and started to cough. Jungkook gave water bottle to him.

Jin: "no Hyung I think you are misunderstanding me Huyng I swear--"

JK: "I know everything don't lie, otherwise I won't talk with you"

Jin: "NO don't do that" he responded quickly

JK: " then tell me the truth"

Jin: " Hyung I showed all places where we hide the hints to our college student and by miss, that dumbass saw me showing the place so he tries to tell other college student but I stopped him. Now tell me is that bad to expect to our college won the prize?" he asked.

Jk: "NO it's not bad to expect but It's bad to cheat, you don't have to do that" in a stern voice.

Jin hmm in response and stood up to go.

JK: "don't cheat after this"

then the idea popped out in Jin's brain how could he miss this chance..........................


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