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Next day;

Jin got discharged from the hospital. But he didn't go to Tae's place, instead, he went to Namjoon's place. He told everything to Namjoon to which he got scold by his brother saying he should have been listening to Jungkook for once, but being stubborn Jin didn't let Namjoon win. He retired him with the same tone and

said he is not a child any more so stop controlling him.

Not having anyway Namjoon stopped himself and called Jin's parents saying Jin doesn't want to continue in this college as he was already tired of being away from home. Jin's parents asked him multiple times what is the real reason but Nanjoon was told not to say anything to Jin's parents.

After a lot of conversation, Jin's parents believed that Jin might be moody once again that's why he wants to come back. So they agreed and told Namjoon to give the transfer certificate.

On the other hand, Tae and Jimin tried their best to convenience Jin, but he didn't listen to them for once. He told them they are just taking their childhood friends side....and they are not understanding his situation. Last Vmin couple drop the topic and helped Jin to get a transfer from Busan college to Seoul college.


Jungkook met Jimin and asked him how Jin is now.....but knowing the truth that how much Jin hates made him broke down. He asked Jimin whether he can meet Jin, but he got disappointed by the answer.

Jin was in Namjoon's place, and it's hard to meet him. That whole night Jungkook cried his eyes out remembering all their lovely moments and the way younger chased after him everywhere......the way Jin called him...his smile, his jokes, his boldness....everything made Jungkook choke his breath. He cried all night and tried to reach Jin, but the response was the same......

After thinking too much he decided to meet Namjoon and ask him for a chance.


After some days Namjoon agreed with Jungkook and told him to go to his house in the evening and talk with Jin.

Namjoon went to his friend's place after dropping Jungkook at his house.


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