13. I love you

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After one week,

"Tae I just came and here you are already dragging me with you.....I am tired Tae '' Jungkook wine sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Ohh come on Jungkook-ah you're acting like a grandpa, let's have some fun dude " Tae said grinning happily.

"Tae we have tomorrow whole day to celebrate my birthday, it's not like I won't be here tomorrow...I'm tired of that long journey"

"Ohh!!! you already know I am taking you to celebrate your birthday, shit I thought I could give you a surprise" Tae pout making jungkook smile.

"Come on...Tae you do this every year and how can I forget my own birthday"

"Anyway this time you'll be happier than any other year" Tae smiled tapping his fingers on the wheels.

" what?" Jk asked, looking at him.

"Nothing bro, you'll see by yourself." After 10 minutes they both reached Tae's house. 

Jimin welcomed them inside. When they came inside Jungkook was so surprised to see the decoration. 

Every year they would celebrate his birthday in the club but today in Tae's house which makes Jungkook feel relaxed and surprised together.

 When time clicks 12 Jimin and Tae shout together and start singing a birthday song. 

Jungkook smiled at him "THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS" he too shouted smilingly.

"Ok, let's cut the cake" Jungkook said and try to cut the cake but Tae stopped him. 

"Ohh!!! wait!!! wait we have a surprise for you" the whole room became silent. 

Jungkook was waiting patiently. Then only he heard an angelic voice singing a birthday song for him. He knew the owner of this voice. He slowly turned around with a big smile looking at the eternal beauty who was singing songs and walking towards him.

 When the song ended Jin slowly hugged Jungkook. "Happy birthday Hyung," Jin said, breaking the hug.

"Thank you so much." Then Jungkook cut the cake after making a wish. Tae and Jimin hugged Jungkook wishing.

"Okay, now it's time for a gift" Tae happily announced. Jungkook was eagerly waiting for the gift but there was none.

 "Where is the gift?" Jungkook asked but no one answered him. 

Instead, Jin ran to the room and came with a big flower bouquet. 

Jungkook smiled at him and went to receive it but stopped himself when he saw Jin getting down on one knee. He smiled at him with surprise.

 He smiled at him with surprise

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