"Yeah, in this we all and our cousins also study, so you will have enough protection" Sam says.


"So, what are you waiting for?, Come on, we all are also going with you. You will be with Marco and we will study" Monday says.

And I nod.

Let's go then. Not.

I as I was about to get out of bed.


my bum lands on the floor and I wince.

The idiotic brothers of mine laugh.

My legs were tangled with the duvet, due to which I fall.

Why always me?

I sigh, finally getting up, brushing my pjs.

And then I stay calm, because I know what I have to do right now.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks me his voice laced with concern.

Oh! I'm ok, but you both are not, you meatballs.

"I'll kill you both" I shout

I'll keep my hand in such a way that I showing that I'm going to stab them.

They run and I chase.

"How could you both laugh at me. And you woke me up so early in the morning" I yell while running.

Yep, I'm not a morning person. I'm used to waking up at 6 as I had to go to work by 7, but still I prefer my sleep.

They both run as I chase them and we reach the dinning room.

"Come here" I growl as I was about to reach them, but someone stops me.

"Stop" I hear a authoritative voice say. It was daddy.

"What's all this?" He asks.

"Looks like, Mona isn't a morning person" Sam says.

"Yes, thank you" I say glaring at both of them.

I hear Snickers and chuckles of my lovely family.

"Why did you run behind them, baby" mom asks.

"Because they laughed, when I fell from bed" I say.

Then I hear chorus of laughter.

They all look so happy and carefree. I smile at them.

I let them laugh at me because I always want them to laugh, like this.

But I'm still a bit angry. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Ice cream.
Cold drinks.
Ice cream sandwich.
Wet bed.

I think of cold food items, which cools me down.

"Good morning, Everyone" I say.

"Good morning" they all say in unison.


Then I glance at Marco who was busy doing something on his phone. Must be work.

Then I smile remembering yesterday night. He held me tight against him. When he woke up today in morning, he was gazing at me, I felt it and then I felt a warm kiss on my forehead. After that, I slept again.

I go toward him and plant a kiss of his cheek.

He glances at me from his phone and gives me a small smile, his gaze was filled with warmth.

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