chapter 3. The reply

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Shuichi groaned as he slid off his couch, his back ached and his eyes hurt, he brushed it off and got up. Shuichi slugged his way to the kitchen to get coffee, Once Shuichi made his coffee he went to get his mail, only to find a letter had been slipped through his mail slot, he picked it up and went back to the couch, he opened it silently

"Dear Detective Saihara,

Ah, hello!! I see we're communicating through letter, I'm okay with that! And as for your questions I will answer them!
1. They abused me in horrible ways
2. I believe it's fair they feel my pain
3. Because they almost killed me on multiple occasions
4. Yes I have lots of very horrible and scarring trauma
5. Aww detective that's a bit off topic! But my eyes are purple/violet!~

I hope you got what you wanted from with mi amor!~ write to me soon and leave the letters under your doormat, I'll put mine in the mail slot! Talk to ya soon!

The prince of blood"

Shuichi stood in shock "he replied" he thought happily "he actually replied!!"

Shuichi quickly ran to his room to write a letter for the one he was supposed to be catching

"Dear prince of blood,

I see your reasoning, if I could I would say I can see why you find this okay, don't tell anyone but I kind agree! May I ask what trauma do you have? And what kind of stuff they did to you? Another (off topic) question, what color is your skin? You probably already know mine, actually how much do you know about me? And why and how do you know what information you know? Get back to me soon 親愛なる君へ (my dear)

Detective Saihara"

Shuichi quickly folded the letter and went to put it under his porch mat, once it was under the mat Shuichi went and got dressed and went to work and did paperwork and stuff


"Huh?..oh..yes Amami?"

"Any new info on the murder?"

"" Saihara lied with little to no remorse

"Oh..okay...have a nice weekend.."

"You too Amami..."

Once thenwork day ended,  Shuichi went home and went to bed almost immediately, excited for the the next day

(386 words,hope you like ittt!)

The brutal truth Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ