chapter 1. first murder

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Shuichi sighed as he got out of his car, his assistant Rantaro following suit, they had just arrived at a gruesome murder scene, Shuichi was still partially analyzing the file that he and Rantaro had been given

"Time of death....2:59 am....method of death....implied and disembodied.....weapon(s) used....metal pipe..knife....and chain..." Shuichi mumbled out some information that was on the file, he was searching for information he might've missed when reading over it the first time

"Victim was 23 years old, her name was Yonaga Angie...poor girl didn't deserve what she got.." Rantaro muttered in bitter disgust as he walked with Shuichi

"Yonaga Angie?.....isn't she that famous Atua worshipper?"

"Yeah she was hated by many..loved by many as well..."

Shuichi simply hummed in response, the two continued to walk until they got to the murder scene, Shuichi went to investigate the body, he first took off her yellow jacket that was already ripped to shreds, not to mention utterly smoked with blood, he closely inspected what was left of the peice of clothing before examining the body, a large cross was carved into Angie's chest. Shuichi sighed in disgust at what he had to next, he carefully removed Angie's bra, silently apologizing for what he did, He shuttered as he moved Angie's breast a little to see if there were any cuts near or under he breasts, once he confirmed there was no information that could be collected, he covered her top half with what was left of the cardigan. Shuichi then moved his attention to below Angie's waist, he lifted her skirt so he could see everything, he discovered stab wounds to the inside of the thighs, once Saihara collected information from the body he dressed her out of respect

"Detective Saihara?.." Rantaro softly called out to Shuichi

"Yes Amami?" Shuichi stood up and went to amami

"I found a letter addressed to you..."

Shuichi was utterly confused "come again?"

"Uhmm...yeah here..." Rantaro handed Shuichi the letter

Shuichi read the letter carefully

" dear detective Saihara,
It seems you've been called to my cases, how fun! I get to have all of you attention! The best detective is on *my* case! I can't believe it! Haha!~ it won't be easy to find me, and I'm not giving my name, so just call me the Prince of Blood, k? K. Listen, I'm about to tell you something,tell your assistant or whatever I don't care, but I'm not doing this for fun. It's for revenge.  Keep that in mind will ya! Thanks dear~ I'll see ya when you catch me!~ if you can~

- the prince of Blood"

Shuichi stood in shock as he held the letter in his hand "u-uhm....thank you Amami...."

"Are you okay Detective?.."

"Perfectly fine...let's just get everything we can and leave..."

So the two of them gathered more information and clues before leaving and going to peice everything together, Shuichi didn't tell Rantaro about what the letter said..once he got home from work he read the letter again and again until he fell asleep with the letter resting on his chest..

(528 words! I hope you like this chapter,I tried my best :w;)

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