Chapter 26 Thank you

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True to his word, Reiji took Yui and me shopping the following day. Once in the store, we were quick to grab a cart and runoff. We spent a good amount of time picking out new furniture and settled on a comfy-looking bunk bed. We got two white dressers and desks and some office chairs to accompany them.

After that, we were off to the hardware store to grab the supplies to repaint the room. It took a solid minute to determine what color we wanted to repaint the room. Eventually, we decided on a lavender shade. All that was left was to grab the needed tools to apply the paint and check out.

Finally, we were done and in the car on the way back to the mansion. Or at least that's what I thought was gonna happen. Instead, we were now parked in front of a large mall and Reiji was handing me a weird black card.

I looked at the card and then at Reiji and gave him a puzzled look.

Reiji sighed and pushed up his glasses. "Since you will be staying with us for an uncertain amount of time I believe you will need some clothes."

Once again I looked at the black card and then back at Reiji in silent shock. Once his words finally processed I jumped on him and gave him the tightest hug I could manage.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" I screamed while hugging him.

I then quickly freed him and grabbed Yui's arm and tugged her out of the limo. "Come on Chika let's go before papa Reiji takes back his generous gift."

With that, I'm dragging Yui into the large mall and heading straight to the directory to see where we should go. There are multiple clothing stores that show promise but what really catches my attention is a place named Docomo.

"Hey Yui, what's this place?" I ask while pointing at the name on the directory.

Yui glanced at it and then answered me. "It's a phone service provider."

A second after she told me that was dragging Yui in the direction of Docomo.

It took a whole hour and much decision making but we ended up leaving with two slick flip phones. I wanted to get the newest iPhones but Yui insisted we not spend too much since it was Reiji's card. At the sight of her puppy eyes, I gave in to her request.

We walked out of the store with two matching flip phones and unlimited call and text. Yui's phone was a sleek white with matching black accents. Mine was the same model in black with matching white accents. We quickly exchanged numbers and then we were off to do some clothing shopping.

Three hours later we were both carrying several bags in each hand. We were about done for the day when I noticed a clothing shop that sold mostly suits and other classy clothes. I quickly left my bags on the ground next to Yui and left her to take care of them.

I quickly found a sales associate and asked if they had a specific item I wanted. To my joy they did! Even accented with the color I wanted. I bought it and the cashier was quick to check me out and box and bag it.

When I finally left the store Yui was still standing outside waiting for me. She gave me a confused look but I just shrugged it off.

Finally, when we decided we were finished shopping I popped the question "So how are we gonna get home?"

Yui and I both looked at each other, neither of us had an answer. Suddenly I heard my new phone ringing. I picked up after a few rings and waited im silence to hear from the other end.

"Are you girls ready to be picked up?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Reiji? How do you have my number?" I asked hesitantly while Yui was giving me a panicked look.

I heard a sigh. "You think I haven't been monitoring your purchases this whole time? I called the service providers and got them to tell me the number. So are you two ready to come home?"

I looked at Yui and tried to give her a reassuring smile. "That depends, you gonna let us keep the phone?"

There was a long pause before I got an answer. "I will allow it, but I will not pay for a replacement if they break."

"Thank you thank you thank you! In that case, we are most definitely ready to go home." I said.

Reiji let me know that there would be a limo waiting for us as soon as we left the mall. When I hung up the call I told Yui the happy news and we made our way over to the limo.

We were both dead tired when we got home and had mutually decided to leave the trouble of setting up our room to the next day. Surprisingly though there was no need. When we finally got home and walked in we noticed all the furniture was put together and the walls were painted and somehow already dry.

I stared at the paint on the walls and touched it multiple times to test if it was really dry. Yui meanwhile sat on her bunk and was reading a book she picked up from a book store in the mall.

"You know what, I'm not gonna question vampire magic," I said while walking away from the wall.

Yui lifted her head from her book to reply. "Don't try it really won't get you anywhere."

"Noted," I said while picking up the black-boxed item I bought earlier.

I was about to leave the room when I turned around. "If I'm not back in an hour search find whichever mosquito murdered me"

Yui gave me an amused look but said she would and with that, I was off.

I was now in front of a door-knocking on it and waiting for a response. The door opened to reveal a sleepy Laito with a bed head.

"What brings little bitch~chan to my bed so early?" He asked while yawning.

"Dude it's seven in the afternoon, this is not early. Anyway, here." I said while plopping the box into his hands.

He looked at it in confusion before opening it. Inside was a black fedora similar to his old one but with a small green ribbon wrapping around the base.

"I kinda felt bad since I, you know, left your old one back in my dimension and since we were out today I decided to grab you a new one," I said plainly.

Laito was turning it around and looking at it with a look I couldn't make out. I turned around and was about to leave to go to my room and I heard him say something.

"Hey," He said. I turned around and looked at him.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Thank you." He said while looking like he was actually genuinely smiling and happy.

I turned around as fast as I could and said "Your welcome."

Whatever the fuck that look was it did something to my poor hearts and for a second made me forget he's a total crazy sadistic pervert. I ended up running back into the shared bedroom and slamming the door behind me.

Yui looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Still alive?"

I laughed nervously. "Surprisingly, Yes."

Yui hummed and dove back into her book after saying "Good, You can take your bath first tonight I already filled the tub."

This brightened my mood. "Aww, you're seriously gonna make a great wife one day chika." 


AN: I'm so sorry It's taken me so long to update! It's been hard getting back into the rhythm of school and work. I've also been having some health problems recently, nothing major though I promise! There are just some days where I'm not feeling well and can't write or I'm loaded with work and homework. I'm actually finally seeing a doctor for my minor health problems so here's hoping I can figure out what's up with me soon lol. I know it's been a while so thanks for sticking by and waiting for this update. Please continue to be patient with me and my slow updates. 

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