Chapter 9 Interview With The Vampires

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After internally panicking I start kicking and yelling but to no avail I'm still stuck. I eventually lose hope and give up. I cross my arms over myself and decide to nap for a bit. I mean eventually, Subaru will find me.

My dream was pretty sweet, instead of a mansion filled with deadly vampires I was in wonderland having tea with the Hatter and friends. Sadly all good things have to come to an end.

My tea party was ruined as I woke up to Subaru screaming. I opened my eyes to be met with my charming prince and grinned.

"You come to wake me up with a kiss or just keep yelling at me?" I ask.

"Get the fuck out of my coffin." Is all I get in reply.

I roll my eyes and get out of his coffin. "So how long was I out for," I ask while stretching and enjoying freedom.

"Little over an hour. Reiji told us to find you since we're about to have dinner." Subaru says while bragging about my wrist.

Before I could ask what he's doing he teleports with me to the dining room. It takes a few seconds for me to adjust to the sudden change of rooms but it's not as bad as last time.

After adjusting to my surroundings Subaru shows me to my seat. Soon after the rest of the brothers teleport in.

On my right is Subaru and to my left is an onion smelling Ayato who glaring bloody murder at me. In Front of me is Laito and to the left of him is Shu and on the right is Kanato. At the head of the table is Reiji whose face is unreadable.

As soon as everyone's seated dinner begins. There's no talk and the silence is killing me. What's also killing me is the murderer's intent I'm feeling to my left and the perverted looks I'm getting from in front of me.

Middle of my steak and I've finally had enough of the atmosphere. I sneakily pull out my phone and set it to record then slip it in my pocket. After that, I decided to break the silence.

"Reiji, you're a man of science correct?" I ask.

Reiji raises his eyebrows in question but answers me. "I believe I am, why do you ask Ms.(L/N)?"

"Well, a person of your intellect should understand the importance of research and getting as close to the specimen as possible," I say as everyone stares at me in question.

Reiji seems curious and amused and responds to me. "Yes, I believe I do."

I grin seeing as I now have everyone's attention. "Well, then I believe you won't mind myself interviewing you and your brothers for my study on vampires."

If there was any question before on whether I knew what they truly were, it was gone now.

"So you're admitting you know what we are?" Reiji asks.

I take a deep breath before responding. "Indeed, now may I conduct my interview or would you rather I use what information I have from Twilight?"

I see Subaru cring but Reiji is eyeing me with amusement. "Go ahead."

"Well, then I guess we should start off with your diet. I can already tell that you guys can eat human food but this can not sustain you, correct?" I ask.

"That is correct," Reiji says.

"Okay then, does what a human consumes affect the taste of their blood, and do you guys have any preferences with whose blood you drink?" I ask.

This time the one to answer is Ayato. "What you filthy humans eat does not affect the taste but we do have our preferences. Don't worry though, your blood is not pristine enough to be drunk by Ore~sama."

Laito came to my defense. "Now dear brother, Bitch~chan's blood is actually quite good."

Ayato's mouth dropped. "You drank her blood?! Ore~sama was gonna be her first!"

Before they could continue I interrupted them. "How does teleportation work?" I ask.

This time it's Shu who answers, "As long as we've been to the place before or know how to get there we can use our teleportation."

I think for a moment as to what my next question will be. Upon arriving at it I ask. "So just checking but y'all ain't affected by sunlight, crosses, and oh I don't know Garlic perhaps?" I say that last part while staring Ayato in the eye with a grin.

Before Ayato could start yelling at me Reiji steps in. " No those are just your human fairy tales though we do have a good sense of smell."

"I see," I say as I stand up from my seat, "Well if you'll excuse me I'm quite tired so I'll be retiring to my room," I say while doing my best to use proper manners.

I turn to leave but Reiji speaks up. "Ms. (L/N) I don't believe you've answered my question yet."

I turn to look at him and smile but on the inside alarms are going off. "How is it you knew what we are?"

I do my best to keep my calm. "Well, Laito did bite my neck." I can tell none of them are buying it and I can't blame them. After all, I was showing signs before that incident that I knew what they were.

After a second Reji speaks again. 'Very well, Your room is on the second floor on the right hallway last door."

I nod and then head straight to my room. I immediately take my phone out and stop the recording. While not much information was gathered tonight I believe I had enough for my first chapter. Before I started right though, there was still something I had to know but it would have to wait until later.

I grabbed my duffel bag that was lying on the floor and plugged in my phone charger and connected it. For now, I would simply pass the time with nothing but Black Clover to keep me company.

A few hours had passed and as much as it saddened me to leave Asta and his gang I forced myself to get up.

It was 4:00 AM and it was time to go search for my answer. Slowly and carefully I made my way to a certain brother's room. I slowly opened the door and entered; in the middle of the room sat a coffin I had been trapped in only a few hours ago.

I kneeled down next to it and knocked. "Subaru" Knock knock knock "Subaru" Knock knock knock "Subaru" knock-

The coffin lid opens to reveal a fuming albino.

"What in the hell do you want mortal?" He asks while getting up.

I stare Subaru dead in the eyes and ask. "What are you and your family doing in my world?" 


AN: ahhhh I'm so sorry for the late chapter! I lost complete track of time reading a good book last week and lost my time to write. Fear not though I am back. I have finished my book and now I am free to write vampire fanfiction once again! As always if you've enjoyed the chapter please like and comment. 

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