Chapter 18 Do me a favor okay?

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Two weeks have passed since the Sakamakis' departure from my world. Life has returned just to how it was before. I wake up, go to school, watch anime and sleep, and repeat. At the moment I was in the middle of this boring cycle.

Currently, I am sitting in history listening to the teach drill on and on about the French revolution. Normally I'd be bugging Shu and keeping him awake with my endless chatter. Instead, I was being forced to hear about the bloody guillotine and how many lives it took.

Just as I was about to give up on paying attention and taking a nap the lunch bell rang. With that, I got up and grabbed my stuff, and headed for the library. It was only a short walk and as soon as I entered I headed for my usual back corner. I sat down and took out my phone to check my notifications. As I did that I saw a notification saying my package had arrived. Immediately I felt a surge of excitement.

A week ago I had been watching Twilight for research but your girl could only handle so much of that. I mean seriously, vampires glittering in sunlight? Nah I'd rather have the crazy ones who try to kill me 24/7. Eventually, I found myself rewatching the crappy Diabolik Lovers anime. When I finished that I wound up on the wiki just reading general information on the Game. Much to my dismay, it was only in Japanese and I don't have enough brain cells to learn Japanese for fictional men.

Undeterred though I continued to look up if there were any translations of the game on youtube or Tumblr. While doing that I discovered that there was a group who had created a patch for the PS Vita version of the games. I then quickly went to eBay and bought the cheapest Vita I could find. Still, it cost me about $200 and I admit I shed some tears but I added it to the cart along with several DL games. The grand total was not pretty and I may have mourned the loss of my money for a while but it would all be worth it.

I smiled at my phone. Now I really couldn't wait to escape this hell and get home. I checked the time to see how much longer I had to wait. Sadly there were still a good few hours before I would be free. I still had to make it through the rest of History and then Creative Writing. I inwardly groaned at the thought of having to wait but then I realized something. I didn't have to wait, all I had to do was go home. Simple enough, right?

I quickly grabbed my stuff and left the library. I wandered the halls until I was close to one of the sets of double doors leading outside. All I had to do was take a right and then there they would be leading to freedom. I peaked around the corner and stared at them. Never have I done something like this before so I took a moment to prepare myself.

"Okay (Y/N), You got this, just gotta open those doors and leave. Simple." I whispered to myself.

Just as I was about to turn the corner to head towards my freedom I heard someone shout. "Hey!"

I looked behind me to see it was the school officer.

I froze and stared at him.

He approached me and gave me a stern look. "You were trying to skip, weren't you? Well you got caught and now we're going to go to the main office and you can explain where you were trying to go to your administrator."

I hung my head in shame and followed the officer. I took one last look at the doors leading to my freedom.

As I looked at them I decided. "Fuck it." I started right before bolting towards them.

"Hey! Get back here young lady!" I heard the officer yell.

Sadly for him, I couldn't care less. I ran as fast as I could and took a shortcut through the woods. When I popped out I was in a part of my neighborhood and had lost the guy. I headed straight for my home, not even taking a moment to catch my breath. Sitting there on my porch when I finally arrived was my package.

I grabbed it and headed inside to open it. After freeing my Vita and games from their cardboard box I started to download the patch. While I waited for that I headed to the kitchen to get some food. I placed a cup of ramen in the microwave and waited for it to be done.

All of a sudden I felt a gush of wind blowing towards me and noticed things starting to shake. I looked around in panic and then caught sight of what was behind me. There behind me was an odd portal almost looking like a black hole and standing in front of it was a boy I couldn't recognize. He had shaggy black hair and copper-red eyes. He was wearing a simple dress shirt and some black pants.

I stared at him in shock not knowing what to say.

He grinned. "So you're the Eve of this world huh?" He then smirked. "Well then do me a favor and help me mess up Papa's plan. Ok?"

He grabbed ahold of my arm before I could say anything. Next thing I knew he was pulling me into the strange black hole with him. After that, all I remember is falling into darkness.


AN: Well I'm sure you all can tell where our lovely Y/N is heading and I hope you guys are just excited as I am. I'm really looking forward to writing the following chapters and I hope you guys are looking forward to reading them. As always please vote and comment! 

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