XIV - Going South

Start from the beginning

Ukraine awkwardly walks just behind Russia, fidgeting with his hands and staring into the shadows around the trees.

"Don't do that," Russia comments.

"What?" Ukraine asks, his voice high, "don't do what?"

"Looking at the dark like that. You will start to see things that aren't there."

"But what if-"

"If something wanted to attack us, it would've already. Just stay together and don't look for things you don't want to find," America interjects.

Florida is quick to reattach himself to Russia's tail. Russia smiles lightly.

They cross over a few boulders, and Texas climbs atop the tallest, cheering. Mississippi sneaks up behind him, peeking over the edge with a smirk. Before anyone could comment, Mississippi tackles him off. Texas yelps and Mississippi drops him to the mossy ground below.

Mississippi backs up to the top and cheers. Alabama claps from the ground below.

"I'm King of the world!" Mississippi cackles.

"Me too!" Florida cheers, climbing onto Mississippi's shoulder.

"More like King of a stupid rock!" Alberta shouts, yelling over Florida.

"Hey!" Mississippi complains, leaning over to accommodate a laughing Florida, "We are still Kings."

"That ain't fair!" Texas whines playfully from the ground, pushing himself up, "you gone and pushed me off."

"Come on boys," America calls with an exasperated smile, "we have to keep going."

"Yeah, come on!" North Carolina calls from the base of the stone tower, glaring at South Carolina.

America waves them forward and Russia smiles. In his periphery, he spots South Carolina sheepishly hopping.


They continue walking when Texas starts to get flighty.

"Tex, you good?" Alabama calls.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Texas says in what Russia assumes was supposed to be a reassuring tone.

"Tex?" New Mexico calls.

Russia turns toward her out of curiosity.

"(Water?)" New Mexico signs.

Texas gives a curt nod, his eyes wide with worry.

"(What?)" Russia signs toward New Mexico, "(What's wrong?)"

New Mexico gives him a weird look before realization dawns on her face.

"(We are approaching ______ water,)" New Mexico explains, "(And Texas is getting nervous.)"

Russia's gaze returns to Texas. Texas looks away nervously.

"(Are you okay?)" Russia signs, concerned.

Texas nods. Russia gives a nod of acknowledgment before turning back to watch his feet. They continue walking, and America leans into Russia's side. Russia smiles and butterflies flutter in his stomach.

Soon, the sound of rushing water becomes audible. Russia glances at Texas and sees that he has begun shaking. Texas hugs his coat close to his chest. Russia squeezes America's hand trying to catch his eye. America looks up, curious. Russia gestures to Texas with a worried look.

America follows his gaze.

"Tiktac? Are you okay?" America asks, releasing Russia's hand.

Texas hums, pulling on his sleeves.

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