"Thanks," she whispered softly once the last lace was tied. Of course the thanks got her a glare in return though she tried not to let his rough and loud attitude get to her.

With that done the three of them headed out. Of course Bakugou took the lead allowing Sakaki and Kirishima to walk side by side quietly not wanting to risk waking the sleeping child in her arms. Although Kirishima offered to take the boy a few times during the walk home she refused. It wasn't really that bad, even if by the time her apartment came into view her arms were starting to get sore.

"Thanks again you guys," she said softly as they paused before the front door to her apartment. She hated owing people and she clearly owed the two men for watching over her and Hatori while she was drunk.

"It was no problem, do not worry," Kirishima said of course, smiling softly at her. But the huff she gave and the slight blush gave away her embarrassment for having to thank them for what all happened.

"But," she never even got to finish her counter before Bakugou let out a low growl that had her pause and freeze as she looked over at the blonde.

"He said it's no problem. So shut up and just go home and go to bed," was the growl that Bakugou gave as he shoved Hatori's backpack into her empty hand before shoving his hands in his pants pockets before he turned and just started to stomp down the street heading back home. Leaving Sakaki to just watch his back as he retreated back to his own home.

"Sorry about him. But really it's no problem we were just helping a friend out. We would have done it for anyone," Kirishima said, giving her smaller softer smile which had indeed made her feel a little better.

"Still thanks. I owe you two," she mumbled with a soft pout which actually had Kirishima's shoulders shake as he tried to keep himself from laughing.

"You don't owe us anything. Just go to bed and get a good sleep," he said as he gave her a dazzling sharp toothed smile.

"Alright alright. Good night Kirishima,"  she said softly as she tried to give a wave with her hands full of Hatori and his stuff.

"Good night Sakaki," Kirishima called as he watched her manoeuvre her way into the apartment building before he too turned and quickly started jobbing after Bakugou who had actually not gotten very far. Whether it was because he was waiting for Kirishima or to also make sure Sakaki had safely gotten into her home Kirishima would never know.

The next morning started out like the last. A rush to get Hatori to school, especially since he was not impressed with waking up in Sakaki's home and not Bakugou and Kirishima's. But Sakaki didn't care as he pouted, reminding him that he could see the red head he loved so much after school. So once again it was a rush to get Hatori to school then she ran to work figuring she could get there than to try and take a train. At least it gave her a good morning workout as well as she made her way through the streets and back alleys before she slowed to a soft jog as she could see Bakugou and Kirishima's agency.

She was wearing a spare uniform, luckily she had multiple ones made and stashed in her closet. Luckily she had learned fast that she had a tendency to rip her hero uniforms usually while fighting since she used hand to hand combat and with her quirk she needed the material light, breathable and easy to rip when she needed to remove it. But that made it easy to rip on its own while fighting. Though she felt bad when she realized she had left her torn uniform in Bakugou's bedroom and on his floor. A bag in her hand also sported Bakugou's clothes that she had worn home. Now freshly washed and folded up in the bag she strolled into the front lobby of the quickly growing familiar agency. Hard to believe she had only been working with the two men for only the last week. Yet when did this agency almost start to feel like home? She was greeted warmly by the secretary at the front desk. Sidekicks waved and greeted her as if she was a fellow sidekick or hero for the agency. It really pulled at her heart she had never expected an agency other than Miruko's treating her so warmly.

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