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Skyrim is a land of chaos, of strife, and bloodshed. Skyrim is fear, and suffering, and war. Skyrim is a storm. Skyrim is Bedlam. Skyrim is confusion.

But Skyrim is love. Skyrim is bravery, loyalty, courage. Skyrim is valour. Skyrim is foolhardy, it never gives up.

Skyrim is the last mug of mead you share in honour of a fallen friend. Skyrim is as hardy as it's horses some use to get around its tumultuous landscapes.

Skyrim is a stubborn Half-Nord woman who always wanted to make a name for herself. Skyrim is a curious Khajiit girl who always wants to see more.

Skyrim is the Nords who tell you to return to your homeland but Skyrim is the Dark Elves and Imperials who want to fight for independence from the Empire.

Skyrim is a great many things. But Skyrim is my home, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

~Camiwyn Gold-Blood, Arch-Mage

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