End of Christmas 2010: So this is christmas

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Christmas Eve

That morning Regulus decided to pack his bags and head back to college. He couldn't handle his mother anymore. The ghostbusters were all probably at college, but he didn't care. He signed in and walked up to his dorm.

When he opened the door Remus was reading on his bed. Regulus walked in awkwardly and put his stuff away before lighting a cigarette. "Want one?" Regulus asked after noticing Remus staring at him.

"Sure." Remus shrugged and Remus through him the pack. "Thanks. Can I ask you something."

Regulus raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

"Are you okay because you can ta-."

Regulus interrupted him. "You don't have to act like you care about me Lupin. I'm tired of being lied to. Just leave me alone." He pulled out a book and put in headphones, starting to play his liked songs on Spotify.

An hour later Sirius came barging into the room. "Remu-." He stopped when he realized Regulus was in there. "Oh your in here." He sighed rolling his eyes.

"I can leave if you want."

Sirius ignored him. "Can I talk to you outside Remus."

"Yeah sure." The two boys stepped into the hallway. "What's u-."

Sirius pulled him into a kiss. "I like you."

"You figured out your feelings?" Remus blushed.

"Yeah. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course Sirius."

"Oh yeah hold on." He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a envelope and handed it to Remus. "This is for Regulus. It's for the party that we invited him to months ago. If it wasn't for Pandora who suggested that it would be rude to uninvite him, he wouldn't be coming."

"Oh okay. See you later."


Regulus didn't really have that exciting of a christmas. Sirius, Remus, Pandora, and Emmeline had came over to the dorm, but he just stayed in the corner the whole time. They all were laughing and singing together. Regulus missed them so much. He ended up fighting back tears the whole time.

When they were leaving Pandora squatted down by Regulus. "Hey." She smiled awkwardly.

"Hi." Regulus smiled, surprised someone was talking to him.

"Look i'm still mad at you, but i'm worried. I need you to tell me if you are okay or not."

He didn't want to lie to Pandora, but he couldn't tell her. He couldn't tell anyone. "I'm okay." He lied giving her a half smile. "I'll be okay. I don't need your guy's friendship."

"Okay. Just know you can talk to me. Oh yeah!" Pandora exclaimed reaching in her bag and pulling out a present. "Merry Christmas!"

"You too Dora." He opened the present. It was 4 books and a new binder.

"It's just a little something." She shrugged. "I figured you probably need a new binder and if you have read any of those books, you can go exchange them. The receipt is in the bag."

"Thanks Dora. Sorry i've been a dick. I still am too. I don't deserve anyone's friendship besides my stuffed animal's right now."

Pandora laughed slightly at the stuffed animal and pulled him into a hug. That day Regulus didn't do what he what usually do to feel better. Instead he smiled a bit and read his new books. He was happy she got him a new binder because his was getting old and small.

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