Summer: First date

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gay besties that have only met twice😍🤪


siriuslygay: give me two options

simpforreg: okay here

simpforreg: okay here

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siriuslygay: i love 1 and so will they so 1

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siriuslygay: i love 1 and so will they so 1

simpforreg: okay thx

bookworms but not really

emo: y'all help i can't choose my outfit for mine and james's date and i'm running out of time

mrwerewolf: hm let me see your options

emo: here

emo: here

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pandoraaaa: 2nd on the first date and 1 on the second date

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pandoraaaa: 2nd on the first date and 1 on the second date

mrwerewolf: i agree with pandora

emo: okay! thx guys. see you all next week at college :)


James was pacing back and forth, very nervous. When Regulus showed up he got butterflies in his stomach. "Hi." The boy smiled brightly as he walked over to James.

The boys hair was styled differently than it was when he saw him last. He was wearing a marvel shirt, black chocker, ripped jeans, red and white stripped socks, ripped jeans, and much the James's surprise he was wearing eyeliner. "Nice eyeliner."

"Is it to much? It probably looks bad. I can take it off if you want?" Regulus rushed out nervously.

"I was complimenting you love."

"Oh. Sorry." The boy blushed looking at his feet.

"How did you get past your mom with that on. Sirius told me how she is."

"Oh I put it on in the car. She doesn't even know about you yet because she doesn't have any socials besides facebook which I didn't post about our relationship on. I told her I was going to Barty's."

"Well let's start walking." Regulus nodded and connected their fingers. "Do you want to get ice cream because the parlor is right up there?"

"Sure." They began to walk up the street and around the block.

"You know it's bullshit that you can't make your own decisions and that she makes them all for you. You are 18! It's sucks that you aren't aloud to be your own person. I bet you are excited for college though because you can be yourself."

"Yeah, but I can't do anything about it." Regulus frowned and there was a awkward silence until they got to the parlor when James finally spoke.

He stepped in front of the black and bent down slightly so they were at eye level and putting his hands on the others shoulders. "Promise me that if she ever does something to you that you will tell me or if anyone does anything because I don't need them ruining our relationship."

"I promise Potter." Regulus smiled.

"Good to know Black."


After they finished their ice cream they went to a record store to by some albums and then walked around more. Eventually they walked to the cliff by the lake to watch the sunset. They were both standing there when Regulus spoke. "I had fun today."

"I'm glad." James said turning to face to boy who did the same. Suddenly Regulus seemed to realize something and his smile turned into a frown as he stared at his feet. "What's wrong?"

"Just scared that college will make us grow apart and that we will meet other people that are in our classes."

James bit his lip holding back a frown. He lifted Regulus's chin up so that they were looking at each other. "I will make sure that doesn't happen Regulus."

"Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure." The sexual tension was thick at that moment. James wanted to smash their lips together, but didn't have the courage to do he just pulled him into a hug and kissed their cheek.

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