"Thank you, miss!"

"Don't call me miss, it makes me feel older than I already am. Though, I do appreciate your manners. Just call me Rosalind or Rosa, hun."

Rosa and I talk for a little while longer and exchange numbers before Zameer comes back with our food.

We wait at the airport for a few more hours before we board the plane. Much to my surprise, Zameer got us first-class tickets.

As we were boarding the plane, Echo almost tripped, therefore Zameer decided to just carry her the entire way.

    There was a whole bed on the plane!!

Me, Echo, and Zameer were all laid on the bed. Zameer on his laptop doing who knows what, Echo kneeding the pillows, I don't really know what she's trying to do.

I was just trying to sleep.

"Mommy, you sleep wif my strawberry!" She says, putting her strawberry in my arms.

"Mhm, okay baby," I mumble out. I hear Zameer chuckle and roll my eyes playfully.

A few hours later, Echo was fast asleep and it was just me and Zameer awake. Echo was rested on Zameers chest and one of his arms was wrapped around her, the other was under me.

"Baby?" He says quietly.


"Can I ask a personal question?"


"Where is Echo's blood father?"

It goes silent for a minute. Or two.

"I'm sorry, forget it, that was out of line."

"No, you're fine. It's natural to be curious, it just caught me off guard. I'll tell you after the trip if that's okay."

"Okay, I understand. Can I know a little bit about your family though?"

"Uh, well, my father is nowhere to be found. I don't blame him though, my mom is" I pause for a second before continuing, "I'll explain after the trip."

He hums and it goes quiet again.

"Do you have any tattoos?" He questions.

"Yes, I actually have two." His eyes widen and he looks over at me in shock.


"Yeah! I have a bunny on my thigh and one that says, 'happy' on my forearm."

"Can I see?"

"Sure, I'll show you when we get to your parents' house." He smiles at me and nods.

I close my eyes once more and I begin to feel a light feather-like touch on my cheek. I open one eye slightly and see Zameer looking down at me. I smile at him and begin to drift off into my dreams.



I'm shaken awake. I groan and try to fall back asleep.

"Baby, you have to wake up. We're here."

I slowly peel my eyes open and see that I'm no longer on the bed, but in a chair buckled in.

     Omg did I sleepwalk in here?

Zameer chuckles at my face and I see Echo asleep on his hip and two suitcases next to him.

Phoebe [BWAM]Where stories live. Discover now