Meeting Rimuru's fated one

Începe de la început

Time skip to the human group aka Eren, Gido, Kaval, and Shizu-san eating

Rimuru pov

Me and Y/n entered the hut that the human group are occupying. "Excuse me. My name's Rimuru. I'm not a bad slime, you know!". I say while entering. The masked girl, who I recognized as my fated one, chuckles. 'Did she recognize that joke?' (Y/n talking) "My name is Y/n if I haven't told you before".  The group pay little attention as they are fighting over the food, which Y/n enters. "You're a bunch of lively people huh. Also Y/n! Stop fighting with them I know not hungry!". (Y/n) "No! Once I see food that's good I. Will. Eat. It"
Shizu-san: "*chuckles*... Excuse me, Mr. Rimiru. But, why are you touching that burning plate?".
"Hmm. Oh! I could've melted myself there. Thanks for pointing that out."
Shizue-san: "The fact that you wasn't aware of it. Suggests that you have a resistance to heat. Which happens when those from another world are granted power/abilities they want."
'Ah, I see'. "In my past life, I got stabbed to death. First my back felt hot, then I began to feel cold as blood flowed out of my body. I think that's how I got my resistance. Even Y/n himself was from my world. He told me that he died of sleep deprivation. His last thoughts were to be a Saiyan from an anime he used to watch as a kid." (A/n: I feel sad for you).
Shizu-san: "I see... I'm sorry for both of your deaths."
"Don't worry about it. It's all in the past now." I say. 'Looks like I haven't changed in my personality huh'. "Shizu, right? Do you have a story of your own?"

Time skip to Shizu telling her backstory and story being in the Tensei world. 'Cause I'm not about to make myself sad.

Y/n pov

After hearing Shizu-san's story I couldn't help but feel sad and angry for the bastard that summoned her here. (Mini-A/n pov: A golden aura quickly surrounds you but as fast as it came it vanished).

(A few moments later)

I see that Shizu-san is enjoying riding Ranga's back with Rimuru. 'How calming'. Something Rimuru said perked my interest. (Rimuru): "So, who was it that summoned you here?"
"He's is one of the pillars of this world. The Demon Lord Leon Cromwell".
As Shizu said that I memorized that name. 'Leon Cromwell. I'll remember that name and make you suffer!'. (Mini-A/n pov: A golden aura again appears then disappears again without you noticing). I then notice Shizu leaning in pain. (Rimuru) "Ranga, stop!". I go fly down to help with the situation. "Shizu-san are you alright?" Shizu-san then throws Rimuru somewhere. 'Somethings not right here'. "Ranga! Go to Rigurd and tell him to evacuate all the villagers. Then come back to help Rimuru. NOW!". I ordered Ranga in case something here affects the village. I hear steps coming here. 'Huh? Didn't I order Ranga to go to Rigurd?' "Rang- You 3 get out of here. This isn't something you can handle!".
Kaval": "We saw a huge pillar of fire here. So we came to see wha- wait isn't that Shizu-san?"
Gildo: "Wait. Shizu... Like Shinzue? Shinzue Izawa? If that's the case then it could be the same person?".
Suddenly, Shinzu speaks. "Get away. I can't hold it back... You must... Get away from me...".
"Tch. No way, your our friend and we will help you!" I yelled encouragingly.
Rimuru: "Don't worry, Shinzu. We're going to undo this curse for you. Because we got this!".

(Still your pov, in case you didn't know)

Shizu-san is being covered in flames and being turned into Ifrit. "Brother, are you ready?" "Yea, Ranga focus on dodging!". I fly towards Ifrit, and punch him square in the face, pushing him across some trees. Ifrit groans and splits himself into more of himself. "Too can play that can." I use the after image technique to combat his clones.

Rimuru pov

'I'm running out of options. I can't use any of my skills as its useless against Ifrit. I can only rely on Y/n to cause some damage.'
Eren: "Icicle Lance!!"
'Huh.' I saw Erens magic work against Ifrit. 'I have an idea!' I jump in the air with Ranga's help. "Shoot the Icicle at me!."
Eren: "Are you sure?"
"Yes. Trust me!" 'Great sage use predator and analyze the magic. "Hai-shimasta.... Announcement: 'Icicle Lance' has been analyzed and acquired." Great sage told me. "Good now. Icicle Shotgun!".

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Saiyan [Discontinued]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum