Like duh! She's literally causing a new spike of rumours for Jade having a wealthy visitor that evening.

Jessi parked the car in front of the house. Walking out of the vehicle and removed her glasses.

She is uninvited by this household, yes. But that's what makes it more exciting for her.
Nothing more beats a surprise visit.

Jessi pressed the doorbell as she patiently wait for the door to open. At the same time, quietly loving the attention she's getting from the neighborhood.

Not everyday that a fire deity like her disguised as a professor almost everyday. Can dress just as hot as she does now and flex her fancy babies such as her expensive accessories and cars.

The door soon opened, revealing a young woman who is exactly what Jessi came here for.

"Oh! Miss Jessi!? Is that you!?" The girl gasped in surprise upon recognizing one of the university's professors.

"Come in please!" She said and widely opened the door, welcoming in the fire lady. "You look very different!" She complimented.

Jessi walked ahead first. And she could tell the observative look that is being given to her behind her back.

"Please take a sit! I'll just get you some snacks to eat!" She said and was about to go to the kitchen but Jessi stopped her.

"Let's cut to the point and take a seat!" She said and gestured Jade to sit on the couch across where she sat.

Jade was a bit hesitant but sat on the couch anyway.
She is aware of the presence that she's getting from Jessi. And she's already aware for a while now that this woman is a deity of fire. She had been aware of her due to their constantly meeting for classes at school.

"I see you're alone. I don't feel that halfblooded caretaker of yours!" Jessi stated with a grin that earned her a widened eyes from Jade.

Not that she is really surprised of Jessi's capability to know something like that. She just needed the reaction as part of her guard.

"It's okay princess! We can drop the act! I'm not an enemy!" Jessi said casually as she crossed her arms to her chest.

Jade's gentle expression slowly morphed into a serious one. And that's exactly what Jessi wanted to see.

"First of all. It's really fascinating to be in the presence of the future queen of the seven seas!" Jessi lightly chuckled and leaned her back on the couch.

"And that is exactly why Iam here." She added.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of having visited by a deity?" Jade asked with her tone screaming with natural born authority.

To say that Jade's serious demeanor is weird from her gentle one would be a total understatement.

"You have met Samuel right? The student council president?" Jessi asked and Jade responded with a grin.

"Assuming that he somehow managed to end in this conversation. I believe there is something more to that guy that meets the eye." She stated along with a playful yet serious expression.

"Indeed. And he is the one who sent me here for a very special reason. And I hope you are aware that a deity does not return home empty handed." Jessi replied and Jade furrowed her brows. Not giving any sign that she'll be leaving with this fire lady.

A heavy tension began to build between both powerful beings. A clash of presences battling at each other to prove who has the most authority over each other.

"There is no need for us to fight. You will find out sooner or later of why you are being summoned by this cause." Jessi said and the atmosphere began to mellow down as Jade gave Jessi a questioning look.

"A cause?" The mermaid asked.

"Yes. Samuel is building a team from each of different powerful races. To be there together once the right time for the big cause arrives." Jessi explained.

"What kind of cause?" Jade asked again.

"It's bigger than all of us. And Iam telling you now. That even the strongest demon is in just to fight alongside to its once ally; the good folks." Jessi elaborated further followed by a playful giggle.

"You have not answered my question yet. I need to know what kind of cause Iam being invited to. Especially with a demon involved just like you said." Jade said sternly and battled glares with the fire deity.

"I don't know what kind of cause! Samuel is the only one who knows it. If you're really curious, you should come with me and find out from him yourself. Don't worry, you're very much allowed to return here once the meeting is finished!" Jessi said with the slightest annoyed tone.

She felt like she's wasting too much time already. It's not like the other two are very easy to convince much as this one.

Jade remained quiet for a while. Thinking about Jessi's words very carefully.
After atleast a very long thought about it and Jessi waiting while boredly playing with flames on her fingers.

"I'll go. If you guarantee that I will remain safe under your watch." She said and Jessi quickly smiled with satisfaction.

"Of course princess! Now shall we go and fetch the other two?" She said and stood up. The flames on her fingers disappeared as both of them exited the house.

Jade locked the house since Sarah won't be home for two days. She's in a business trip for her human job and she had no other options but to attend to it to be able to support their material needs.

Jade was amused by Jessi's ride but made sure not to show much of it. She only observed. While Jessi began to drive to their next direction.

"By any chance..." Jade spoke during the ride. Jessi briefly looking at her then back to the road. Gesturing her to continue speaking.

"Were you ever been in contact with a phoenix?"

I hope you liked the chapter.
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To all the curious brains...

The light servers or white creatures. They are the people from races that are serving the good cause. Like white sorcerers and others.
In short, they are the good folks.

While the dark creatures or beings. Yalex is their perfect explanation. They are the people who are best for being evil.

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