New home

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Aurelia eventually arrives at Meir's primary school, but her Lamborghini stands out completely compared to the other parents' cars. Like gold amongst copper. 

As she parks, everyone continues staring at her even when she gets out. Shiny white, wavy hair, ripped gray jeans, white Saint laurant shoes, white tank top, and a black windbreaker.

Carrying an air of 'don't come near me', she walks to Meir's class to pick him up a bit earlier then school normally finishes.

*knock knock*

She quietly opens the class door and looks straight at the teacher,

"Hello teacher, Can I please pick Meir up a bit earlier today?"

She searches around until she finds a skinny child with a head full of buoyant curls. She frowns but quickly covers it up, looking back at the teacher, she can see the clear dislike of Meir in the teacher's eyes.

"Whatever, Meir, you can go now."

She shoo's him away like she is chasing away a cockroach.

Meir quickly grabs his bag then comes outside the class. As soon as he steps out he traps Aurelia in a death grip and starts crying,

"*hic*, i, i missed y-you *hic* so much big sister!"

She pats his back to calm down and walks him to the car. His eyes widen as he stares at the pure black lamborghini.

She calmly grabs his small hand, "come, we have a new home now. You don't have to see that lady anymore."

His eyes widen more and his red eyes start tearing up again. She quickly kneels down,

"Meir, what's wrong?"

"Really sister? We don't have to go back to that house?"

He starts pulling his long sleeves to cover his bruised arms and wrists. Aurelia's eyes flash but she focuses on coaxing the child.

"Really. Big sister got us a new home, it has a big TV and you have a big room!"

He stops crying but is still visibly nervous.

"Do you wanna get some ice-cream?" She asks. His teary eyes brighten as he nods.

They leave for the mall and get some ice-cream. 

"Thank you big sister." Meir says.

"Silly boy, you don't need to thank me." Aurelia softly flick his forehead.

"Do you want to get some new toys?" She asks.

Meir shows an excited expression as he nods. By the time they leave it's already close to dinner time.

They get some food for dinner on the way to their new home. On the 3 hour drive to the capital, Meir falls asleep.

When they finally arrive at Harts, Aurelia parks her car in the underground parking lot and gently pick Meir out of the passenger seat. 

"Meir, we're almost at our new home." She whispers to wake him up.

They take the elevator and push the 20th floor button. On the floor are two different apartment and Aurelia stands in front of room 201, she unlocks the door with a passcode and registers both hers and Meir's fingerprints so they can enter more easily.

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