Folded flyer

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TaeToepot  pretty much helped me come up with most of the ideas for this book sooooo. Yesh.

"Jimin. You can't keep living with me. You promised to pay me but you haven't been. Do you know how much money you owe me? Either you pay or get out!"

"Sung woo, I'm sorry! You know where I am right now! No one will hire me! I don't have any money!" Jimin pleaded with his hands together. His friend starred at him in disbelief that he wouldn't keep us word. "Wow. You made a deal that you knew you could keep! Get out of my house!" He shouted.

Jimin teared up knowing he now had nowhere to go. He had been living with sung woo for the past few months. He walked down the street, it was dark and cold. He was sure snow was soon to fall.

The concrete of the side wall was wet from cold rain that had fallen earlier that evening. His feet splashing in puddles getting his socks wet. "Damnit." His whispered to himself. He stopped to take his cold, wet socks off. The three the black pair of socks on the ground before putting his shoes back on.

He later had found a wooden bench to sleep on for the night. His eyes were tired, barely able to keep them open. He laid his frail body down and rested his head on his arms.

He sighed as he curled his body up into a ball to keep warmth secure around him. "Excuse me sir?" A high voice asked. Jimin opened his eyes being met with woman dressed in a suit. Her black hair was pulled back into a bun, and her eyes set on his figure. Jimin automatically assumed she was trying to seek him something so he said coldly, "I don't have any money so I can't buy anything."

The woman giggled seductively. She sat down next to his curled up body and set both her hands in her lap. Jimin sat up and looked at her.

"That's exactly why I wanted to talk to you." She said smiling in a friendly way, but for some reason jimin wanted to shiver. It must just be the cold.

"My name is Ji-An." She said holding out her hand. She waited with a smile for him to shake her hand. Jimin looked down at her open and and back up to her face. He shook her hand quickly before scooting away from her a bit. "Jimin." He mumbled.

He lowered her hand back down into her lap. "Jimin nice to meet you. You said you have no money right?" He nodded grimly. "Well I have an offer for you." She reached into her pocket a pulled out a folded flyer. She extended it to him and he took it. Without saying anything else about the offer she stood up and began to walk away. "Wait!" Jimin yelled but she didn't stop. She descended down the street and around the corner out of sight.

Jimin looked around. He opened the flyer and took a look at it. The flyer had bright colors on it with a huge stack of cash as the photo. "Game?" He asked aloud not really to anyone. He hummed and put the flyer in his pocket.

He laid back down, starting ahead of himself. He got up and walked to the nearest telephone pole. He put in the last quarter her had found on the street and out the phone up to his ear. He lazily pressed in the number on the flyer and leaned against the pole as it rang.

Someone answered at the other side of the line. It was silent momentarily until a friendly animated voice started to speak. "Hello contestant! The games will begin soon! If you would like to join, please be in the same spot tomorrow at 11:00 on the dot! Thank you!" Then the call ended. Jimin raised his eyebrows, and looked around for a road sign to remember where he was.

He laid back down on the bench. He fell asleep within 5 minutes of laying down from exhaustion.

In the morning, noises from the side walk beside him woke him up. People walking by and talking to each other. Cars speeding by and police cars chasing them. This was the city.

Jimin brushed his hair out of his face and yawned. He looked around and saw decently friendly looking man. "Excuse me. What time is it?"

The man looked down at the golden watch on his wrist. "3 o'clock." The man spoke before walking away from him. Jimins eyebrows furrowed and he rubbed his face. "How did I sleep for so long?"

"Oh look who's here." The men at the bar said as Jimin opened the door with a 20 in his hands. He had found it on the street not to long ago.

"Give me the darkest thing you've got." Jimin said sitting down in a seat at the bar. "Jimin when are you not drinking?" Jimin sighed and rested his head on his arm on the counter. "John I really don't want to deal with you right now." He said not looking up at the man.

"Alright calm down. I'm just messing with you. Rough night?" The bar tender came back with jimins drink and set it down on the counter next to him. He lifted his head and took the glass in his hand. "Thank you." He said handing her the 20 dollar bill, in which he received 12 back.

"Tell me about it." Jimin said looked over to the man beside him with tired eyes. "I had to sleep on a park bench because my roommate kicked me out, some weird lady started harassing me in the middle of the night and I slept until 3." He took a sip of his beer and let out a whinny sigh.

Jimin was at the bar until about 10:30. Yes he was slightly tipsy but still conscious enough to remember what he was supposed to do that night. He made his was down the street and around the corner to the left. He stumbled all the way to where he was the night before and he stood by the side of the road. He looked up and down the street waiting.

He was about ready to leave and just go beg his friend to let him stay with him again but he saw headlight shinning his way. A black van pulled up beside him and the door opened on his side automatically.

He peeked inside and grabbed onto the seat to pull himself up into the van.

The door closed beside him and he put his seat belt on. He looked around and he was the only person in the van besides the driver. He looked towards the front a saw a man looking at him in the rear view mirror. The man turned around having a straw looking thing in his hand. He put his mouth up to the straw and blew a puff of air into it, a dart flying out of it and hitting jimin in the neck.

Jimin fell unconscious within 15 seconds and the van pulled away.

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