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Looking around at the crowd of guests, Steve's hands started sweating

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Looking around at the crowd of guests, Steve's hands started sweating. He wasn't even going to be the center of attention, but those damn knots started tying themselves in his stomach. Especially since everyone was gathered in the elaborately decorated brewery for Oliver's big entrance.

As he started worrying his lower lip, Bucky marked over his back. Thankfully, it helped a little. Not as much as when Cori wanted to be lifted so she could see better. So, Steve settled her on his hip and played with the balloon that she was holding and bounced her in time with the poppy song playing. Scenting her before kissing her cheek.

For a moment, Steve could forget that this was one of the biggest days in Oliver's life. Well, almost.

"Ladies and gentleman," DJ Thunder interrupted the song. A spotlight shined on the curtain beside the DJ stand and the burly man introduced, "Let's hear it for the man of the hour, OLLLIIIVVVEEERRR!"

While the guests cheered, Oliver ran out from behind the curtain. Pumping his arms in the air the way he did when he was getting hyped over a soccer game. Even high-fiving people as he ran down the path of guests. And when Bitsy ran out for him, Oliver easily lifted the four year old into his arms and was amused when she pumped her arms in the air just as he had.

Despite the grin, tears filled in Steve's eyes while he nearly choked on the emotion. Especially when Oliver set Bitsy down and hugged the rest of the family. First, the siblings that were closest. Then Bucky. Then Steve.

"Pops," Oliver complained when Steve continued to hold him in a hug for longer than five seconds.

Steve couldn't help it though. His little guy was growing up too fast. After all, Oliver was already thirteen. Soon, he'd be old enough to drive and then he'd be graduating, and then he'd be going off to college. Then he'd be starting his own family. And...

And here comes the tears.

Sniffling, Steve held Oliver tighter as he kept his wet face pressed against Oliver's, cheek-to-cheek. Scenting the young omega as more tears flowed down his cheeks. It was bad enough that Oliver had already presented, but now Steve couldn't help but think about how in just two years, he'd be entering high school. High school, for fuck's sake! How did that happen?! He was only starting junior high what seemed like yesterday!

It was all just happening too fast. It felt like yesterday Steve was afraid that he would hurt Oliver when he tried to burp him. Felt like just yesterday, Oliver mispronounced words and created wild stories, and wanted to be just like him. Just yesterday when he was looking up at his fathers with those big steel-blue eyes like they were a superhero. And now he was as tall as Steve was.

"C'mon, Stevie," Bucky encouraged, guiding his crying mate away from their oldest.

Standing there while everyone danced around them, Steve used one of his pocket tissues to wipe the snot from his face before careening into Bucky's embrace. The strong alpha held him tight as he comforted his husband. It was exactly what Steve needed. Well, actually, what he needed was for time to slow down. Needed it to slow down thirteen years ago but now would be fine too.

With a fast-paced pop song, the kids jumped around. All of them having a good time, and someone – Steve would guess Rhodey – started chanting, "Ollie! Ollie! Ollie!" which only got the rest of the kids to start chanting it too once Tony's loud mouth joined in. And it only caused Steve's chest to clench, knowing that so many people loved his little guy.

Seeing how Bucky was holding Kit's and Nevie's hands while they jumped, Steve corrected, loved their squirt. And because his family was hopping around like maniacs, Steve joined in. Taking Finn's hand in his left and Bitsy's in his right while Cori hopped around holding Rhodey's and Oliver's hands. The boys laughed and then Rhodey reached over to take Oliver's other hand.

The way Oliver's cheeks reddened made Steve playfully bump his hip against his son's. Enjoying how Oliver wasn't giving them attitude and wasn't acting like they were the most embarrassing parents imaginable. It was nice. It reminded Steve of when he was little.

However, that all changed when Tony came rushing over to them. Leaning in close, Tony told Oliver something that made him stop jumping around, looking for something. Looking for someone.

Annoyed with her brother, Cori let go of Oliver's hand and continued jumping to the beat with Rhodey. Even though Rhodey was just as preoccupied as Tony and Oliver, he did continue dancing with Cori. And Steve appreciated him for that.

When the song changed to a slower one, Steve noticed Bucky quirking a brow at him. And while Steve rolled his eyes, he accepted the offer and took Bucky's hand in his while their kids swayed and twirled around them. It was then that Steve spotted Oliver making his way over to a group of girls where Pepper was.

"He's gonna get mad if he catches you watchin' him," Bucky warned over the music, directly into Steve's good ear.

In reply, Steve blew a raspberry at his husband. Curious about which one was Oliver's crush. Wanting to see the girl Steve and Bucky only heard about in hushed voices and teasing quips. Determined to find out about –

"Aww, she's cute," Steve informed Bucky with a small smile on his face, watching Oliver walk up to a girl with amber corkscrew curls.

Kissing Steve's temple, Bucky told him, "You're cute."

Finally redirecting his attention to his husband, Steve slid his hand up to cup Bucky's jaw and brought him in for a kiss. Just a sweet, chaste kiss. One that lasted just long enough for the bond to sing from their love, but wasn't long enough to embarrass their kids.

Pulling back, Steve smiled up at his husband. Letting his alpha spin him the way Bucky would with their kids. Not being able to stop his laughter when Bucky dipped him, Steve simply let his alpha toss him around like a rag doll. Well, until the girls wanted to dance with their daddy.

Not that Steve could blame them. So, he let them cling to Bucky and twirl around as they held onto either Steve's or Bucky's fingers. Meanwhile, Finn and Kit danced with their Auntie Nattie and her mate, Auntie Carol. Smiling, Steve glanced over to find Oliver and Karli dancing. His hands respectfully on her hips and hers on his shoulders. Although they awkwardly swayed, Steve didn't miss the smiles and laughter they shared.

As Steve dipped Nevie, Sam came up and asked, "Can I cut in?"

Before Steve could even consider answering, Nevie agreed. Letting go of her papa, she jumped into her Uncle Sammy's arms. Kissing her cheek, Sam balanced her on his hip and started theatrically dancing with her. Steve smiled at the display and turned to see if Bucky was watching. However, the question died on his tongue as he spotted Oliver and Karli.

He was growing up so fast.

They all were.

Growing Together: Green Series 8 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now